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Condoned Profanity

Swearing runs in the dysfunctional family,
the loud mother gets angry at her kids
and flings some items at them with animosity;
they listen and learn from her curse words.  

It's a thrill to hang out with their friends,
it's easier to fit in when nasty words 
are spewen out with rageful obscenity
and bullying others, they feel superiority.

If the disgusting language of rebellious teens
didn't offend or intimidate, it would fail them
in their expectations of being defiant thugs;
had they some morals, they would be a gem.  

It's nighttime, the April air is very mild; 
they binge and break bottles on trees,
their behavior becomes incredibly wild...
there's a fight, one of the boys bleeds.

Angie the mother of Brenda comes to his aid,
then slaps her daughter with fury in her lungs,
" It's past midnight, you should be in bed,  
not hang out with a bunch of smelly drunks! " 

Written on 5/19/2017

Copyright © Andrew Crisci

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry