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Beyond the Bark

A familiar path I walked frequently with glee
the feeling of a constant stare came over me
upon looking to find the place of the stare
nobody was in sight, no one was even there

Next day I decided to look a bit closer
maybe I'm dealing with a trickster
wondering who could it be watching 
what I found out was very shocking

I gazed up and seen those precious eyes
no introduction was needed; no disguise
the feeling was mutual through the energy
not sure if I was the first to notice; misery

The energy was strong unsure what to think
anxiousness came over me; my heart did sink
couldn't comprehend the strong feelings I felt
walking away confused as heavy rain starts to pelt

Sitting clueless for the next couple of days
nervous and wondering what should I say
elated to see you again, putting away my phone  
approaching the spot; you and the energy was gone

I would never forget the bold eyes with sadness
not knowing you were really feeling very helpless
you knew the day was near to be cut and removed
communicating those feelings had me very moved

I didn't understand that strong force through vibes
gave me a lesson about communicating silent cries
knowing you were alive with real emotions like me
never would've thought, "communication from a tree."

Copyright © Monulita Boey


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry