Creating Chimeras
If a book has footnotes, though it is fiction,
How do you classify it?
Historical fiction has made some inroads
To this chimera crossroads
But science fiction
Ironically, is behind the times
I’ve kept writing vigils like Virgil.
I muse ‘neath the stellar stars at night, I sure hope you do, too.
Perhaps a mix, writing while wundering under stars is next on my list To Do
I don’t mean to be egotistical
but I hope to revolutionize literature fictional
A melding of deep research and deep imagination is my objective.
Thank you for being part of this voluntary experiment. Collective.
To cross bloodlines of logic and creative
Though she personally likes them, this avocational teacher thinks
For students, textbooks and research papers can be dry
Entertainment is currently a current vapid like air
But rippling vibrant characters could add life and water
I’ve heard people say ‘no man is an island’
and ‘standing on the shoulders of giants.’
Reading and citing
giants’ thoughts are excellent.
You’ll tower among the peaks
And enjoy their “views.”
But you can create even
small things
with your equals, also.
Long distances of space and time are fine.
Someone who is dead- a slight seance
or someone on the other side of a screen.
But you can turn to the person next to you, also.
The “joyful burden” of creating does not solely fall on your shoulders.
If each “man is a universe unto himself,” two universes combining- how much larger are the infinities?
Yet, most celebrities’ songs are sing-ular singing.
Yet, most books have but a single author. I mourn for all the lost possibilities.
And as they yammer on with their plastic faces and artificial voice sounds
I can assure you, someone in your own classroom or neighborhood has written something more profound.
And, if you look, another person in reach could sing the pants off them, hands down.
Spawn beautiful ideas and solutions and skills and combinations of knowledge and rhyme.
Ideas spawn other ideas, ad infinitum down the line.
Chimeral caleidoscopic chords.
Copyright ©
Molly Simkins