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Read Betrayal Poems Online


Remain awake' aware

Things are changing..' Always have done..Mainly material
Mechanical; methods, one by one.' Yet not so humans' who
Seem the same.? Gullible or humble; greedy wether in need? or
Viscious liars dealing in pain ' or just in gain.' Executive 
Orders are being signed now! amid strong high spirits what will
Help? Could untoward things hide.? Controlling expression
On internet screens' would that be censoring.? What will
This ultimately mean.? Is it all just theatre? Just whats the
Chance.? Do all prime movers meet after? For dinner and
Dance..Is the talk all commoditys? With the rarest to stay
un-named that is ( pure truth' ) if you're uncertain? Often
Purchased through pain.' It might be brushed of real regular
Yet it always comes back again.'

Copyright © Joe Maverick


Book: Reflection on the Important Things