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Outside The Feeling

Outside the feeling, 

Where time passes 
And the sanctity of life evolves,

I sometimes pause to skinny dip my mind,
Feeling the nakedness of time
Upon the skin of my soul.

We are timeless in our togetherness; 
Separated only by the lives we choose
And the illusions of meaning we assign to them.

Most of the time I am in a state of perpetual bliss
Moving effortlessly between life and illusion; 
Reality and fantasy.

I once looked closely at a leaf and years later; 
Or was it a lifetime;
Or a moment.  I looked again.

The leaf was unchanged.   Was I?

This, the same air that I once breathed,
Even still, surrounds me, and this,
The same sunlight, still bathes me,

Even in the differing moments
That we know as time.

Such Peace I have found comes from Love
The appreciation comes from you.

It is from the Us that We are.

I have come to know it as Forever.

You ask me, “how are you doing?” or
“What have you been up to?”

I am unchanged.
I am without purpose, desire, goal, or need.

I am.  Then, I am again.

The vacuum between us disappears
Through Empathy, Recognition, and Acceptance.

Things are Always.  

We move among them 
Seeking to identify ourselves through them;
Lending meaning and purpose to the story
We tell ourselves.

Well, we all crawl down a different burrow,

Not recognizing our Neighbors thoughts
As our own.

If but only we could turn our gaze
This way

 - Or That.

Copyright © Vernon Witmer


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry