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Puggilys Guru

The Smidget Puggily learned Transcendental Meditation from the prettiest Guru. she’d ever seen. His hair and beard, perfectly coiffed, made him appear so brilliant and enlightened. He had the gentlest smile and positively exuded holiness. Not one single wrinkle or piece of lint, ever appeared upon his turban; he was perfect, in her eyes. Puggily had the most difficult time; emptying her mind; all she seemed to ever think about was him. Nevertheless, she managed to become an enlightened one. Coupled with her Smidget brain, it would not be long until she too, became a Buddha-mind; all thanks to her fantastically, wonderful and prettisome Guru. Breathing in the light Enlightenment is just a Tiny Breath away.
Written 2-29-19 This poem is based on this definition of Smidget: A completely cool individual who knows everything. Contest:”The Smidget Puggily and Her Prettisome Guru Poetry Contest” sponsored : Caren Krutsinger

Copyright © M. L. Kiser

Book: Reflection on the Important Things