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Hidden Feeling in the Armed Forces, After Taps

Men of courage, answer braverys' call
As Taps are played, remember those who fall
Though we fall, not a second thought
We go where we're called, do as we ought.
Duty only, and duty's call
It's my aim, and that is all
Though I die, I'm here to say
I'll do my duty, or I'll die today
You see the uniform, you don't see me
All my personal life I've put behind me
For the oppressed, I'll go today
For life or death, I'll go anyway
The hearts that beat within our breasts
Seems tough, but they're put to the test
Though to see this is rare
We're human, our hearts do tear
Away from those that we love best
Our hearts are constantly put to the test
Our families away are only made more dear
In solitude, we shed a lonely tear
But even though we are lonely now
And you ask, how can you do this, how?
It's for the oppressed that we'll go today
Live or die, we'll go anyway.

Copyright © Sergeant F. Dare


Book: Reflection on the Important Things