Toxic Heart Art
I’ve been listening to your eyes
The way they smile the way they cry
Pulling for miles red heart’s insides
Little crows feet forming thin lines
Telling what tickle’s mahogany mind
Or what pickles in memory’s teal time
You’ve got hearts on a string
Obedient like art got them trained
Glance from you like calling name
Love is a Lion and so we roar
Walking the tightrope high above floor
Fearing only the one we adore
For if you abandoned us
We’d be lost and scandalous
Preferring tough love not lust
Serve us like plates of soul food
For amethyst audience to consume
Each heartbreak an amber art bloom
Will you tire of the balancing act
Do you desire playing with fact
Unconditional love you wear like hat
Even a broken clock can be right
Once a day once a neon night
Is it time to say green goodbye
To a love that is so strong
Despite dilemma life long
Heart holds on to you like a song
Love of a toxic parent is wild
Makes us licorice laugh makes us smile
Makes us mad facing facts despite denial
Copyright ©
Karen Jones