Multiple Regenerations
First Regenerations
merge into Earth's ecolove
our individuating way
Tips pointed toward ego/eco-faith co-acclimating communities,
bilaterally balancing Either/Or left-brain dominance
monoculturing competitive economics
And Both/And right-brain polyculturing prominence
enlightening cooperative internally bicameral politics
Giving rise to Second Generations
of bipolar RightHand
and dipolar LeftHand
ego/eco-faith in healthy
non-violent communications
Inviting Third ReGenerative communities
of ego active hope
for individual salvation
within our original eco-faith
EarthTribe collaborative
For co-redemption
through cooperatively-owned communion
of individual EgoLefts
within communal EcoRight
win/win energy.
What happens in this Fourth ReGenerational Event?
This remembering moment
when ego's active win/win hope
for non-triumphalistic sensory pleasure,
patriarchally precluding multicultural sexual paradise,
falls into cycles
and recycling hopelessness,
bipolar either/or
all/nothing issues and concerns;
into a lose/lose global universal climate
of disunited despair
Looking back
to our original warm wet wombed,
nurturing and natural,
secular and sacred
health and wealth of win/win safety
How do we best and brightest
humbly recycle to this new ecolove
in Fourth ReGenerative win/lose risk
and win/win bicameral opportunity?
Toward revisiting ego/eco-faith communities
characterized not by whom we choose to hate
but by whom we could not help
but choose to love
in life's polypathic integrity
and not Death monoculturing
polarizing dissonance
left over
from prior Triumphalistic Histories.
Do we,
Do I,
have sufficient courage
to cooperatively discuss
as yet undervalued ecofeminists
in my own win/win herstory?
Back toward Third ReGeneration
circular spiraling
actively revolutionary
depolarizing dipolar hope.
How does active secular/sacred faith
in win/win health and safety opportunities
continue to dipolar co-arise?
Not so much bipolar co-gravitate
toward inevitable lose/lose global monoculturing
further business as usual
climates of despair
Anthro-LeftBrain constitutions of privilege
over and against
EarthTribe RightBrain integrity
Further sacred
polycultural nutrition
polytheistic feelings
ecofeminist flow
healthy-wealth bilateral systemic function
of win/win safest empowering Left
and enlightening Right
Fourth-Fractal ReGenerative co-invested
In further First through Fourth ReGenerations
of ecopassion,
ego/eco-bicameral win/win faith,
regenerating interdependent mindbodies
climaxing health and wealth of safety choices
To even further invest
in AnthroReMEMEbering EarthTribe prehistoric hope
Curious recycling
multiculturally reconnecting
ego/eco-original warm wet wombed
dipolar co-arising EarthPeace
restoring justifying love
Of transparent faith communities
dogmatic only about GoldenRule perpetuating
actively co-invested empowerment,
CoOperatively enlightening original regenerations
of ego/eco-active hope
for ever greening
EarthTribe reconnecting
red hot passions
cooperatively shared,
communally owned,
win/win consciously governed
co-managed spirals
of fractal regenerative love
hope compassioning recycles
Away from lonely win/lose individual hopelessness
and, thereby, toward win/win
communal eco-political opportunities
furthering multiculturally valued
democratically active
global green hope
for Climax ReGenerations
rehealthing 20/20 wealth.
Copyright ©
Gerald Dillenbeck