Daraya's Monologue
(A lone voice whispers)
Do you still miss me before we were slowly destroyed and betrayed
Would you tell anyone the truth of how we were played
By the demon associated with jealousy called Leviathan.
Even if God forced you to confess under duress
Although I know I've caused you so much distress
And your inner circle still revolts and screams like Mary Harris Jones
The grandmother of all agitators
Casting wild spells
Whenever they hear my name
When you visit family or friends who respond with wide alligator smiles
Before commenting and laughing about my tragic previous lifestyle
Like one of its many unwarranted administrators
I may now dance amongst the silvery stars
Now just a faded memory
No longer a member of your life's smiling parade
No more to sing
Smile or kiss
No more to hold hands with someone they really miss and watch the sunset
Lost in each other's eyes in total bliss
But if only I could see you one last time
I would move heaven and earth like Che Guevara
For you are still my silver glittering candelabra in the darkness
My second heartbeat
My magical Abracadabra
Which always wakes me like my own version of Desiderata
At 4 am
In the middle of each lonely heartbroken night
In here
Amongst the ever-moving shadows of The Great In-Between
The dark rift the broken enter
In dreams
When their life totally falls apart at the seams
I miss you
I just hope and pray you're happy
Still living pill free
In a new era
So just remember me
Your forever one and only
The silent watcher, whose now a citizen on the other side
But happy tonight
Just listening to Prince Rogers Nelson perform a show and sing
Sometimes it snows in April
In The Hotel California
As the Pharisee's Golden Bells
Hidden all around us
Copyright John Duffy
Copyright ©
John DuffyASY