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Ratty Poems - Poems about Ratty

Ratty Poems - Examples of all types of poems about ratty to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for ratty.
I aim to live in the here ahem hair and now
...I aim to live in the here (ahem hair) and now... despite entrenched familiar obsessive compulsive disorder behavior distracting me courtesy countless what if scenarios, particularly before und......Read the rest...
Categories: ratty, 7th grade, absence, abuse,
Form: Free verse
Will wonders never cease!?
...Will wonders never cease!? Alternately titled: Last of the fluff belonging to a Mohican Norwegian bachelor farmer wannabe. Any resemblance between said unnamed individual and living persons ......Read the rest...
Categories: ratty, absence, adventure, analogy, angst,
Form: Free verse

Pariah heap - savagely subjecting myself to humiliation
...Pariah heap - savagely subjecting myself to humiliation Outward slovenly appearance bespeaks volumes wordsworth their weight in gold (exhumed from the pith of these lovely bones - beclothed wi......Read the rest...
Categories: ratty, 12th grade, absence, age,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member a man of the cloth
...Oh, to live the life of a fashion faux pas Cursed by the anathema of dress codes Choosing blindly the closest hanger The shirt on top of the pile That lonely pair of shoes Hidden amid Those “to......Read the rest...
Categories: ratty, clothes, fashion, fun, humor,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Ratty cat
...Ratty cat, ratty cat, old and alone, sitting on a wood pile, making it his own.. Ratty cat, ratty cat, listening and wondering. Why has the sky grown dark? Could that be thundering? Ratty cat......Read the rest...
Categories: ratty, cat, weather,
Form: Rhyme

Up up the fly away wig doth go revisited and revised March 10th, 2024
...Up up the fly away wig doth go revisited and revised March 10th, 2024... (Any resemblance between the following humorous account and real life circumstance tis purely coincidental). Went off fo......Read the rest...
Categories: ratty, absence, adventure, confusion, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
Adolescent infatuations never consummated
...Adolescent infatuations...never consummated Greetings reader from a cross between an aging seventy inch long (ringing ding dong) haired pencil necked geek and a Norwegian bachelor farmer wannabe; ......Read the rest...
Categories: ratty, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Rum N Raisin 5 - No Need To Cook
...Rum felt a chill which he couldn’t explain Had mum left the freezer door open again? He went to the kitchen and muttered, “Aha!” The freezer door was just a little ajar Inquisitive kittens, as ......Read the rest...
Categories: ratty, cat, food,
Form: Narrative
Dream Delayed Part 1
...Since I was a very small girl I have dreamed of a house.A house chock full of treasures that I would idly rummage through.Here I would find a cupboard full of quilts,beautiful elbow length teal leath......Read the rest...
Categories: ratty, family, history,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Spineless Wimp
...I lie bedraggled, disheveled, scrunched up and crinkled, in a pile, like ratty raggedy rag doll, besmirched, defiled and exiled, for being a spineless, limp wimp.......Read the rest...
Categories: ratty, courage,
Form: Free verse
Recluse By Dint of Circumstance
...Recluse by dint of circumstance Proud anonymous troglodytes forerunners of mine confronted threats less horrific than forty fifth commander in chief of United States of America. He/him (ma......Read the rest...
Categories: ratty, adventure, america, angst, anti
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Being Thrown Into Immersion School
...Slip all batty zing ump ash Flip ball catty bing bump bash Clip doll fatty ding dump dash Sip caul hatty bring chump crash I stare at the speaker, wishing I knew what to do or say Hip haul nat......Read the rest...
Categories: ratty, school,
Form: Free verse
Up Up the Fly Away Wig Doth Go Revisited and Revised April 19th, 2023
...Up up the fly away wig doth go revisited and revised April 19th, 2023 IM pen named Pilot Jane A. Rug who ascribes to writing poetry as opportunistic, holistic, and cathartic warming me body ele......Read the rest...
Categories: ratty, absence, adventure, april, farewell,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Nothing of Evermore
...War is the art of making a withdrawal at the bank With checks written in the blood of patriots Spending lives Without a care or whim Sacrificing body and soul Life and limb To justify a m......Read the rest...
Categories: ratty, america, dark, earth, irony,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Rats Tale
...My two pet rats so cheeky and bright, one brown and one black and white, who live only a short age rattlin’ around in their cage. I love their soft smooth furry coats and large bulbous......Read the rest...
Categories: ratty, pets,
Form: Couplet

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