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Raja Poems - Poems about Raja

Raja Poems - Examples of all types of poems about raja to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for raja.
Matthew delivers his latest bullet tin
...Matthew delivers his latest bullet – tin... from the Harris-Walz front where liberal minded socially progressive electorate doth agonizingly grunt targeted in crosshairs scoped out eager and ......Read the rest...
Categories: raja, absence, america, angel, august,
Form: Free verse
Nwfp 9c
...Drug trafficking groups Triple 111,Triple 222 and Triple 3 are responsible for transporting hundreds of thousands of methamphetamine,fentanyl pills,heroin, cocaine,and other dangerous drugs..Drug and......Read the rest...
Categories: raja, addiction, corruption, drink, drug,
Form: Narrative

Power of 3 R's
...Refresh Refined React R three R's to Reform Redefine Regain your Relation with Raja(king/ government) ......Read the rest...
Categories: raja, art, caregiving, deep, education,
Form: Light Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Unscrupulous Judge Ict
...Maleeha Soomro,mother of Barrister Fahad Malik,who was gunned down in the capital some six years ago,appealed to the Supreme Court of Pakistan to take suo motu on the murder of her son as additional ......Read the rest...
Categories: raja, corruption, drink, drug, fire,
Form: Bio
Squeeze Me Out
...Do you believe in constitution? Do you believe in law? Do you believe in court system? What are your rules? What do you want? You want to squeeze me out You want to break me down You want to f......Read the rest...
Categories: raja, anger, betrayal, bible, bullying,
Form: Classicism

Premium Member Destruction, As Kali Walks Upon Earthen Grounds
...Destruction, As Kali Walks Upon Earthen Grounds Goddess of Destruction that teams with the Lord of Lusts As wrathful winds bequeath savage ravaging gusts Hades match, that has destroyed many......Read the rest...
Categories: raja, art, conflict, creation, dark,
Form: Rhyme
Disney Princess
...She's my Disney princess She rings my Belle To remind me I'm more than this Beast She's my partner in crime She's the Minnie to my Mickey She's the Bonnie to my Clyde She knocks the sense back ......Read the rest...
Categories: raja, anxiety, cinderella, devotion, love,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member My Sweet Boy, Raja
...Dedicated To My Sweet Baby Boy Companion, Raja (Raja is pronounced Rah-jay) More than a pet, Raja is special kin My cat fills my heart with blessed joy His......Read the rest...
Categories: raja, baby, cat, family, friend,
Form: Triolet
Realize Thyself 1
......somewhere between 2004 and 2006, somewhere between a poem and a straight forward bend, somewhere between a cup of coffee and a cup o chamomile tea... It goes deeper than the body. I h......Read the rest...
Categories: raja, spiritual,
Form: Prose
Premium Member A Raja To His Rani
..."I'll always be your devoted Raja And you're forever my Rani; as sacred to me as The Ganges. Rain o......Read the rest...
Categories: raja, passion, romantic love,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Raja
...He came to live with us at the age of 9 weeks in 2003 March Besides absolute cuteness and pure innocence, He also brought immeasurable joy along His silky smooth velvety fur was jet black His......Read the rest...
Categories: raja, appreciation, dog, faith, forgiveness,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member My Christmas Pets
...Each of my cats, my heart does adore; yes, lovingly, I adore all four. Raja, Mati, Walter and Lacy all love Christmas messes like crazy. For their gifts, I got them a-plenty: One blue jay ......Read the rest...
Categories: raja, cat, character, christmas, cute,
Form: Rhyme
To Raja Ravi Varma
...Oh, Ravi Varma, you are a legend! When I look at this Indian postage stamp (brought out in your honour), a miniature of your self-portrait with the inset of your painting of the legendary Da......Read the rest...
Categories: raja, art,
Form: Free verse
From the Pretty Shillong Peak
...Day curfew throughout the city The cavalry, who went on this route, are missing And the falling fog ... nearly wiped their foot prints. Comes the 'Kojagari' full moon night The hills are......Read the rest...
Categories: raja, beautiful, for her, passion,
Form: Free verse
Diamonds Digging Dramas
...Acquiescence of aquifer is acquiring an antelope's antennae but antennas are nit aerial so never cook a salted marsh for a meal. With or without chips. Dippy demonstrated design. Whilst the organisat......Read the rest...
Categories: raja,
Form: I do not know?

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry