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Raitt Poems - Poems about Raitt

Raitt Poems - Examples of all types of poems about raitt to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for raitt.

Premium Member Blues Therapy
...BLUES THERAPY She’d had a tough day, her aging mother struggling two siblings wounded and worried, a gray day with snowfall, darkness early and long The husband knew what she needed and when......Read the rest...
Categories: raitt, love, marriage,
Form: Free verse
Ghost Orchid
...what makes the heart feel for something it can't touch? his tears caused contractions for his heart to pulse floundered, looking for loves heartache to clutch whimsical solace of her essence startles......Read the rest...
Categories: raitt, beauty, betrayal, courage, emotions,
Form: Sonnet

An Alphabet of Talent
...Fred Astaire was king of tap Biggie Smalls was huge in rap Carson (Johnny)ruled TV Dylan’s songs are poetry Elvis made the girls all swoon Frank Sinatra loved to croon Greta Garbo hid from sight Hitc......Read the rest...
Categories: raitt, art, people,
Form: Couplet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

...Springsteen has his Jersey girls, But I don’t belong there. When Bon Jovi takes the stage, I would just feel wrong there. Randy Newman’s songs are great And I love Paul Simon. Billy Joel does justic......Read the rest...
Categories: raitt, music,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member As the Passage Nears
...(Refrain) As the passage nears, release all of your fears. Your life is not done; it has just begun. Souls are rising up today. as prophesied for Judgment Day. The elderly appear as y......Read the rest...
Categories: raitt, death, hope,
Form: Rhyme

The Price of Love
...“There’s a price for keeping me; I might be cheap but I ain’t free” It’s not your money I need, just some assurance from you I’ll travel this road by your side, what’s ahead we can’t foresee A gol......Read the rest...
Categories: raitt, loveme, love, me,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry