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Racially Poems - Poems about Racially

Racially Poems - Examples of all types of poems about racially to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for racially.
Bullying and Racism
...Today, I called the Police assistance line, I was connected to the Police Station nearby. The Officer asked 'What happened?". I said "I desperately need some advices, I was verbally harassed for ......Read the rest...
Categories: racially, anti bullying, birth, bullying,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Pauline Hanson
...Justice?? From some ( w e f ) sympathetic civil servant Named stewart..' I see no reflection of it. Just a punitive Ruling 'of lawfare' upon Pauline.' Who admittedly in my View should study more u......Read the rest...
Categories: racially, anti bullying, appreciation, assonance,
Form: Narrative

Memory Laws In The US
...I was reading on the so called memory laws or a state-approved interpretation of history. There have been states (Idaho, Oklahoma, Virginia etc.) to name a few, that have passed their own type of mem......Read the rest...
Categories: racially, america, gender, race, racism,
Form: Prose

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Do NOT Attempt This on YOUR Movie Set
... Into racially charged environs burst cattlemen with branding irons Followed, fortunately, by squadcars' screaming sirens Whew... Sure glad those were 'dry runs'......Read the rest...
Categories: racially, conflict, fantasy, hyperbole, racism,
Form: Monorhyme
Asian Abrasion
...What do you see when you look at me? Is it the COVID creators and kamikaze? Does it cause rage and your blood boil? Do you want me to just wrap food in foil? Well if only you knew the burden we......Read the rest...
Categories: racially, anti bullying, anxiety, bullying,
Form: Rhyme

What Is Wrong With Black Lives Matter
...What is wrong with Black Lives Matter? Two out of three of its founders are paid Marxists, who want to both destroy the nuclear family and the USA! It is also is anti-God! Are black lives important t......Read the rest...
Categories: racially, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Define a Racist
...Define a Racist D/definitely ignorant of the truth E/Eiger to attack another race F/fearful of the unknown I/isolative N/naive E/empty to love A/abusive to other race R/racially ego......Read the rest...
Categories: racially, abuse, africa, humanity, tribute,
Form: Acrostic
Trumpasaurus Extinction Highly Unlikely
...Huge life like mockup rigged up to bark dare buzzfeed outsize monstrosity diet coke, McDonald's and meatloaf pet banality, execrable, and misogynistic words greets visitors at formerly named M......Read the rest...
Categories: racially, allusion, anger, animal, anti
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Atlanta Shootings
... There were some more hate crimes the other day. Eight unfortunate victims had their lives blown away. The murders happened at spas around Atlanta. This is the largest city in the southea......Read the rest...
Categories: racially, discrimination, murder,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member White Privilege
...What is White Privilege, what exactly does it mean? It simply refers to situations that the white man has not seen. This term is not meant to provoke anger in those that are white. It wasn’t inten......Read the rest...
Categories: racially, anti bullying, hate, racism,
Form: Rhyme
Tombs On a River
...That is the jetted sky a forgotten eye a pirates patch when swords clashed everything that melted when the ice was frozen everyone everyone has been chosen every question has been answered striking w......Read the rest...
Categories: racially, abuse,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Killed In Chicago, 8 Years Old
... ~Who Was She~ The little girl shot to death? I hear this and lose my breath. Didn't you ever think of this? Her Mother has no child to kiss! No longer a h......Read the rest...
Categories: racially, america, black african american,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member A Wolf At the Door
...My brothers and sisters we’ve got a wolf at our door. It’s here to take all we have and even a little more. It’s got sharp claws, big teeth and keen eyes. It’s going to cause chaos and try to brin......Read the rest...
Categories: racially, hope,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Christianity and Racism
...During the second century, there were many Christians who were tortured and put to death for being Christian. There was one named Sanctus* who, when tortured, simply answered, "I am a Christian." By......Read the rest...
Categories: racially, america, racism,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Maybe If I Could Be In Charge of the World I Would Maybe- Z
... if I were in charge of the world I'll make everyone spiritually and racially equal No longer barter on monetary things judge as only through the King Our Father brings if I were ......Read the rest...
Categories: racially, analogy, cheer up, hope,
Form: Light Verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry