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Quarters Poems - Poems about Quarters

Quarters Poems - Examples of all types of poems about quarters to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for quarters.
Three-quarters of a year is gone For (snap your fingers), just like that! September will, by morrow’s dawn, Roll up and store the welcome mat. October’s waiting in the wings, Her pumpkins all prepared to go, As autumn strides, with all...Read the rest...
Categories: quarters, september,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member They Speak of Fat Quarters
they are talking about fat quarters again if you don’t know what they are, let me run this by you thimble, needle, Elna, Singer, Brother, White Could they be referring to astronauts? If you think that, you are not...Read the rest...
Categories: quarters, women,
Form: Prose Poetry

Premium Member Two Quarters of Moon
two quarters of moon with loquacious eyes intent - full-fledged love language...Read the rest...
Categories: quarters, love, sensual,
Form: Senryu

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Setting Out Fat Quarters
Janice set out a variety of fat quarter cottons arranging and rearranging colors until she was happy one brown she kept tossing out, then pulling back in she loved making quilt decisions she had a new pattern, old to...Read the rest...
Categories: quarters, sister,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Two Quarters
A young boy walked into our bookstore…browsed a minute…then in a gesture beautiful and grand…said, “I just want to thank you…here’s a tip.” Then he put two quarters in my hand. He saiid, “This is just...Read the rest...
Categories: quarters, happiness,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Count Your Quarters
Some times it's difficult to rhyme. We are living in a interesting time. Putin's war which won't relent, nor will our "telepathic" ex-President.. Covid still making people sick. Our information stolen with a click... After watching the news, our economy is going...Read the rest...
Categories: quarters, irony,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member 30 Rolls of Quarters
30 Rolls of Quarters Miracle Man 1/6/2021 This Pandemic hasn’t been a great morale booster, but no hill for this stepper for I’m somewhat a loner. Some days are as hard as “putting socks on a rooster,” and my parts...Read the rest...
Categories: quarters, humorous,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Boomers Prince Or Pauper
Boomers Prince or Pauper David J Walker Remembering when young boomers knew That a quarter really mattered As juvenile consumers grew The choices always flattered Displayed in rows at the corner store The buying power pondered A quarter could last An...Read the rest...
Categories: quarters, money, nostalgia,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member 5 Cent 25 Four Quarters and a Dollar Hollar Recession-
If a nickel's worth a quarter and a quarter a fourth of a buck I have a dollar do I have any luck, did I mention man made recession~ 10/17/20 written words by James Edward Lee Sr...Read the rest...
Categories: quarters, allusion, confusion, depression, money,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sleeping Quarters
Sleeping Quarters By David J Walker The V for Vet designated the sleeping quarters For the soldiers on the small-town cemeteries roster I can only imagine what they might say to each other at muster of the sunrise rollcall The...Read the rest...
Categories: quarters, military,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Eros Quarters
The insidious reign of your apparitions, your coitus with the attic serpents was sufficient to strip all pigment from my skin. Was it they who walked you blindfolded through the upper chambers of our modest Eros quarters? Didn’t you walk them? My self-reckoning, old...Read the rest...
Categories: quarters, horror, mental illness, metaphor,
Form: Free verse
2 Quarters
I ride a dappled horse and I'm full of introspection With centrifugal force I gaze with circumspection This merry-go-round gives me a sense of connection While conversely I feel immense disaffection Then the roan steed begins a gentle ascent With...Read the rest...
Categories: quarters, blessing, death, dream, earth,
Form: Rhyme
Three Quarters of a Century
Today is another birthday, I now am seventy-five! Three quarters of a century, and I am still alive! Don’t ask me how I managed it, I just don’t have a clue Was it merely luck or fate that...Read the rest...
Categories: quarters, birthday, inspirational,
Form: Sonnet
Slave Quarters and Plastic Dollars
Ghetto tabernacles congregate to hear the sons of Eli preachers beg and holla Saying to the colorful captive audience: they gonna get their piece of the pie in the by and by It’s waiting in the oven ... baking...Read the rest...
Categories: quarters, religious, spiritual, truth, wisdom,
Form: Ode
Premium Member Evening Quarters- Music To My Ears
Evening Quarters And far away across the fields the tolling of the iron bell calls the faithful to their knees to hear the softly spoken magic spell. Sounding out to loneliness soothing whispers to bereaved. Grace confirmed by carillon they live on, who...Read the rest...
Categories: quarters, faith,
Form: Rhyme

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry