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Pyre Poems - Poems about Pyre

Pyre Poems - Examples of all types of poems about pyre to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for pyre.
Premium Member Jazz Vinyl's Pyre
(Snaps fingers) Let's talk sonic alchemy, a cauldron bubblin' deep/ Rare groove rising, a phoenix from jazz vinyl's pyre/ Acid Jazz is born, setting the soul on fire/ in London's smoky clubs, back when...Read the rest...
Categories: pyre, spoken word,
Form: Spoken Word
The Morning After
The lightning danced all through the night To wrought a festival of fire That put to torch in blackened blight, And scorched the forest like a pyre Now, petroglyphs of nature’s arts In splotchy ash ‘cross craggy scarp, Are scarred background...Read the rest...
Categories: pyre, allegory, allusion,
Form: Rhyme

Last Cry
One day, On a blissful Wednesday, I crawl up the moon to cry away. Dark night, Take me away with the light, Keep sailing through the storm with all my might. Silence the dweller, While roses for the pyre wither, And all my...Read the rest...
Categories: pyre, crazy, death, deep, depression,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Rose Red Pyre Black Petals
Visceral incantation from onyx velvet lips, moan, groan, to twist my bits as a witch. Salem pyre ancient oak standing the edifice, wrist shackled chains gather round vile cultist. Breast bang dolorous dirge ignition of limbs, Rictus permeated rancor give...Read the rest...
Categories: pyre, dark, death, horror, murder,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member eternal pyre
You've meant so deeply much; within my desire If I could present a world or build an empire It would be so easy to secretly conspire In a way that you would not find hard to admire Happiness for...Read the rest...
Categories: pyre, friend, friendship, friendship love,
Form: Monorhyme

Premium Member Fuel for the Pyre
How strident are their screams, 'Ceasefire!' ...Read the rest...
Categories: pyre, death, fire, sound, spoken
Form: Monoku
My World On the Pyre Cold
There she was, silenced; in the hush of the night, By nature's decree and the will of the almighty divine's right. Upon the pyre, her form ablaze, a somber sight, While I sought to console my sisters in...Read the rest...
Categories: pyre, allegory, angst, appreciation, death,
Form: Rhyme
Her Pyre
She laid her emotions on a pyre. Took a torch and lit a flame. A gust of wind kidnapped them, Taking them into the sky. Watching as her desires flew away. A smile hinted in her eyes....Read the rest...
Categories: pyre, emotions, growth,
Form: Free verse
Waltz On the Pyre
your first kiss turn flocks of birds in thoughts in blood in the bones they all create their nest inside me as if I were another season or maybe they desire from the poisoned fruit ...Read the rest...
Categories: pyre, depression, desire, destiny, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Dawdler Pyre
Intentions fall akin to ashes on the pyre. Of our procrastination quixotic fire We've got a penchant for delay and distraction. A puerile fear of routine and reaction. But in our deepest hearts, we glow. Time is a precious commodity...Read the rest...
Categories: pyre, analogy, appreciation, bereavement, confusion,
Form: Rhyme
Corpse In Pyre
No, No, No please stop this I screamed aloud Fire started igniting my whole body I cried loud Please somebody help me out Why nobody could hear Why everyone act like I no longer exist there I started feeling fear Everyone is...Read the rest...
Categories: pyre, 4th grade, 8th grade,
Form: Free verse
The Pyre of Love
Dark night, gloomy clouds Fears of life-controlling the glow of my face, loud and proud, I pinch my eyes with each drop of rain, Touching my face, like pearls falling on the floor, Tender and hard, strong and yet vulnerable....Read the rest...
Categories: pyre, appreciation, birth, faith, humanity,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Gleemont Watches His Love At Pyre
Spark from Montezuma’s fire Brought Gleemont closer to his desire He watched his almost bride drink the potion And fall down into the fire with sheer devotion Why was she the one to be sacrificed? He was angry at the...Read the rest...
Categories: pyre, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
' Such sinful acts would awake the inviting darkness into the fervent misdeeds of carnal lust, that burn in the heat of an ever raging pyre; where the scorching heat is a consuming hell of...Read the rest...
Categories: pyre, love, lust, muse,
Form: Free verse
Vision's Pyre
Burned by the flame of of his observation Charred by the memory of a final wish (Dreamsleep: July, 2021)...Read the rest...
Categories: pyre, fire, visionary,
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry