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Pty Poems - Poems about Pty

God Pty Ltd
...Ancient sinister fires dwell in the savage creator's eye, Soon his fire starter will be coming for a second try, Choosing to believe, that which cannot be seen cannot be rude, A cloak and dagger G......Read the rest...
Categories: pty, 10th grade,
Form: ABC
God Pty Ltd
...Ancient sinister fires dwell in the savage creator's eye, Soon his fire starter will be coming for a second try, Choosing to believe, that which cannot be seen cannot be rude, A cloak and dagger G......Read the rest...
Categories: pty, 10th grade,
Form: Rhyme

God Pty Ltd
...Ancient sinister fires dwell in the savage creator's eye, Soon his fire starter will be coming for a second try, Choosing to believe, that which cannot be seen cannot be rude, A cloak and dagger G......Read the rest...
Categories: pty, 10th grade,
Form: ABC
...Pity,something you can give a lot, but can never be proud of. pty aint worth a penny. thunder evokes lightning lightning evokes rain. pity evokes nothing but hatred and pain. pity the pauper, ......Read the rest...
Categories: pty, emotions, feelings, sad,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Halo
...The music video is more or less a continuation to the poem. So please play it when cued in the poem text and continue enjoying the music and lyrics. Another bar unceremoniously has......Read the rest...
Categories: pty, depression, drink, inspirational, love,
Form: Rhyme

February 27th
...february 27th i was born in the month second to the first month of the year 1985 on the 27th a wednesday it were, my day of birth i was born and blossomed on earth i shall be gone and faded by deat......Read the rest...
Categories: pty, birthday, child, dream, uplifting,
Form: Chant Royal

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry