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Professed Poems - Poems about Professed

Professed Poems - Examples of all types of poems about professed to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for professed.
Premium Member True Lovers and the Star
... True Lovers and the Star Under the clear night sky sat a boy and a girl who professed true love for each other ‘One day I will capture you a star’ said the boy confidently The gi......Read the rest...
Categories: professed, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
What Good is Poetry?
...Scalpel, pencil, wisdom’s light Call to action, call to fight Shake them folks from comatose Thoughts collected, verse composed Tribute pay to something good And accuse someone no-good Speak ......Read the rest...
Categories: professed, poetry, poets, words,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member An American Chorus
... Written: November 12, 2024, for — Glenn Hughes Sponsored by: Robert James Liguori, inspired by the song “Let America Be America Again” ______________......Read the rest...
Categories: professed, allusion, america, celebrity,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Penetralia Ruby Queen Lyrics
... Professed, nonwarranted kinfolk attest upon the secret florist Herald stewards, forbear! Striplings, go not to entice the fawn’s forest Yonder snowy peaks, betwixt pearls, radiates the pinkest a......Read the rest...
Categories: professed, beautiful, creation, fantasy, flower,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Halfway the Path
... They were sweethearts from childhood Someday wed was understood Clashing goals drove them apart Now, there’s no path to their hearts Lovely in her wedding dress At the altar, vows professed ......Read the rest...
Categories: professed, break up, lost love,
Form: Rhyme

My aries love
...1. In reflecting upon our relationship, I find myself grappling with the stark contrast between your professed affection and the deceitful actions that have characterized your behavior. Initially, I ......Read the rest...
Categories: professed, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Would Be Best
...would be best if our actions and tongues spoke the same language would be best if our actions our words truly expressed would be best if our words honestly professed would be blessed ......Read the rest...
Categories: professed, christian, forgiveness, political, sin,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Change of spots for a turncoat
...A turncoat sheds his skin, like autumn leaves, To don a new coat with many bright hues. With a mask, and an overcoat for thieves, For whom or what, when, his deceit may choose. Once clad in vir......Read the rest...
Categories: professed, destiny, feelings,
Form: Sonnet
...Right from the start It's just a hiccup, I deceived my heart Believing every excuse was true Convinced she loved me like I do. She claimed the moon fell in a well Couldn't name her favorite co......Read the rest...
Categories: professed, 12th grade, love hurts,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Paradigm Of Contrast
... For the contrived inducement of fixated being, the transmuting tenet of uniqueness, the personified indented identity, changes in the self-devised palette of metamorphosed color mélange, w......Read the rest...
Categories: professed, analogy, change, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Requiem for Elmer
... *After my last post I thought it would be nice to lighten up a bit with some warm, happy (well, not so happy for Elmer) pest poetry. Who doesn't love bug humor? This one actually won first place in......Read the rest...
Categories: professed, humor, murder,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Queen of the Dog Lovers mother professed to not like dogs But dogs liked her. My twin does not like a dog She does not see value in a dog She does not want a dog She is fearful of dogs And yet here I am the quee......Read the rest...
Categories: professed, dog,
Form: Free verse
Where Were You
...Where Were You Where Were You as I sat Alone on the end of the dock, looking longingly into the night sky. As the so many stars that filled my eyes, and the dreams of you and what we once had fil......Read the rest...
Categories: professed, lost love,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member The Visionary Light
... He proclaimed an unprecedented love which is offered to those who hate us. He moralized ......Read the rest...
Categories: professed, angel, dedication, deep,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Cracker Jack
... One of my friends recently suggested I write one called “Cracker Jack” Who better than the cracker himself Who's wheels have left the track I've never professed to be poet In the i......Read the rest...
Categories: professed, fun,
Form: Rhyme

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