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Procreates Poems - Poems about Procreates

Procreates Poems - Examples of all types of poems about procreates to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for procreates.
Premium Member Timeless Womb
...Seed - scattered strewn or downtrodden. Grain stuck on passive flytrap mucus. Wild life biomes ripe with open sesame. Frantic birth pangs stiffen their gestations as green leaf ferments bubble u......Read the rest...
Categories: procreates, art, birth, blessing, change,
Form: Imagism
Premium Member In Your Sins Darkness Repent Shine Your Souls Light-
...Shine On lights; So bright; This night; Enlightened soul your spirit so delights; Shine On prosper so be gifted be right; Embrace the light; And darling daring in sight; Believe in ......Read the rest...
Categories: procreates, analogy, dark, engagement, forgiveness,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Dabbled Duo
...dabbled duo — tan toes spitter spatter sand... Pollock’s mermaid splash... impressionist spitfire dart procreates in windward minds... 12/23/2020......Read the rest...
Categories: procreates, art, imagery,
Form: Tanka

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Verse Freed To Flower
...LOVE FLOWERS Love relates and liberates Mutual trust procreates, Enlarging all as it grows; Love flowers as it flows. Love's rapport binds and bonds Affirmed in whispers fond, And prospers l......Read the rest...
Categories: procreates, love, word play,
Form: Kyrielle
Latent Desires
... A world of illusions procreates blinking sustained delusions existence shivering in probabilities memories afloat in traces astray If only I were a meteor I'd cross those barriers to......Read the rest...
Categories: procreates, analogy, desire, longing,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Love Flowers
...Love relates and liberates Mutual trust procreates, Enlarging all as it grows; Love flowers as it flows. Love's rapport binds and bonds Affirmed in whispers fond, And prospers like blossom gr......Read the rest...
Categories: procreates, love,
Form: Rhyme
...Identity What does it mean to be human? What is identity a word used to classify ourselves, Setting us apart from other animals, and why Have we been given intelligence to destroy?......Read the rest...
Categories: procreates, allusion, future,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Dosado Through a Forbidden Land
...Lemony pines spring from my Summer mind, dangling their scent, like Christmas ornaments. I close my eyes and follow the sapphic breeze. My bronze feet bounce through the mossy sea. ......Read the rest...
Categories: procreates, flower, imagery, mystery, nature,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Love-Flowers
...Love relates and liberates Mutual trust procreates, Enlarging all as it grows; Love flowers as it flows. Love's rapport binds and bonds Affirmed in whispers fond, And prospers like blossom gr......Read the rest...
Categories: procreates, love,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Haiku Maze 9
...Green grass verge Hidden florals; Purple and yellow ~~~~~~~~~ Seize your time Know true love; Dream profound ~~~~~~~~~ Style moves brisk Change comes; Late evening settles ~~......Read the rest...
Categories: procreates, change,
Form: Haiku
I Am My Own Shield
...Red oil dripping down my pants, I’m painted Slowly glancing at the crowd to see who took a stare Shamelessly i watch it sprinkling down my thighs and I realise I’m tainted Funny how y......Read the rest...
Categories: procreates, anger, art, betrayal, change,
Form: Free verse
War and Peace
...Wrecks homes and family disaggregates Annihilates lives and dreams stalks Ruins souls and number of orphans aggrandizes Promotes stability and quietude installs Enhances joy and anxiety aboli......Read the rest...
Categories: procreates, how i feel,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Pro-Life Vs Pro-Choice
...Has this ever been a choice you had to make Considering life or death ~ deciding anothers fate Who has the right to judge if and when one procreates Should politicians or priests decide ......Read the rest...
Categories: procreates, angst, confusion, death, loss,
Form: Couplet
Notebook For Taking Autograph
...before the dense shower of rain i’ve placed by notebook for taking autograph before the whole-night music-show before the non-busted shell of tear-gas but i can’t put it before your u......Read the rest...
Categories: procreates, friendship
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member In Tranistus
...the daylight fades a scarlet tiger awakes, preys and mates- procreates as woolly bears......Read the rest...
Categories: procreates, animals, nature, seasons
Form: Tanka

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry