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Pressing Poems - Poems about Pressing

Pressing Poems - Examples of all types of poems about pressing to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for pressing.
It is necessary to know about the world of dreams, so that poets can freely hunt...Read the rest...
Categories: pressing, allusion, analogy, extended metaphor,
Form: Free verse
Outweighing the Chill
Hushed in a fugue of Alpaca wool and rising resin he sits on a stump the relic legs of a mighty giant hewn beneath the axeman's blade its ageless corpse decays sending up those honey...Read the rest...
Categories: pressing, absence, appreciation, gender, nature,
Form: Romanticism

Pressing Giles Corey II
I spend most time within this grave Unmarked and deathly silent I met my end remaining brave Which made it no less violent Pressed to death for 3 long days Only asking for more weight Not this lie but other woeful...Read the rest...
Categories: pressing, death, history,
Form: Quatrain

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Pressing Through To You
Pressing through to you See the golden miracles here In each life hope to bear, But life's not fair. Pressing through to you Extended family and spiritual, not few. I won't be blue I know you want it too. Pressing through to you Through...Read the rest...
Categories: pressing, appreciation, celebration, relationship,
Form: Rhyme
Pressing Giles Corey
I am no martyr, no ghost, nor wizard great They laid rocks all upon me, and again I say I will not plead, more weight, more weight I was a farmer, in the spring of Salem late My wife...Read the rest...
Categories: pressing, betrayal, history,
Form: Villanelle

Premium Member Pressing, Letter To My Son
My son, my dear son, do not think it to be strange when you find yourself going through a bad patch. When things get hard, you must become harder still. Look up to God, even when it seems...Read the rest...
Categories: pressing, family, love,
Form: Free verse
Pressing On
I wanna press on Walkin' this thorny narrow way I wanna still match forrard No matter what many say today. Not by what I am And neither now this what I say It's not what I can do That can save me...Read the rest...
Categories: pressing, devotion, encouraging, faith, god,
Form: Free verse
Pressing Against the Gun You Have To My Head
God what you done recently my only fear that death isn't the end of this counting pennies to buy dinner see i stand as you stare from a ladder perilously position on top of a chair without care thoughts to air welcome to my lair where...Read the rest...
Categories: pressing, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Bench Pressing
There are so many things to observe as I sit at the canal trail. My senses catch it all. Shirtless runners, The swish of thier sneakers as they pass. A family picnicking not far away. Bike riders side by side...Read the rest...
Categories: pressing, emotions, environment, feelings, how
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Pressing My Luck
Bowling night, I had to try Asked her out and her reply Yes she said, I’m on a roll She agreed to watch me bowl! Inspired I was and couldn’t wait To do my best as I felt GREAT! Oh what...Read the rest...
Categories: pressing, angel, confidence, destiny, heart,
Form: Rhyme
It’s one of those days when my stomach is pressing against my chest, and my lungs is playing tick tock toe with its own breath. My adrenaline is running a hundred miles marathon per hour...Read the rest...
Categories: pressing, career, community, deep, house,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Very Pressing
Someday not too far away It makes me sad to have to say A button that one can touch Maybe the button pressed too much The one that pressed it could be surprised That he/she was the cause of our...Read the rest...
Categories: pressing, 10th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Pressing Forward
They says things come in threes, in chaos we seek order when we're young Some find comfort in synchronicity, others find comfort flung from others tongues. Individual truths hold the keys, finding them is vital to breaking...Read the rest...
Categories: pressing, encouraging, inspirational, journey, meaningful,
Form: Couplet
First Pressing
i was stretching reaching across you laying naked next to me when suddenly i felt i was in the garden of Eden suddenly feeling licks and tugs sucking my grapes making me think perhaps too late i should have pruned when soon a shudder of my leg's arbor started somewhat...Read the rest...
Categories: pressing, muse,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Keep On Pressing On
Midst blood pressure-rising Diabetic sugar oppressing Bad cholesterol distressing… Thru Christ’s strength, keep on pressing! Despite sin constantly cursing Guilt critically appraising Doubt-attacks confusing… By God’s grace*, go on for spiritual enhancing! Though worldliness’ warmth is embracing Within materialism’s allurement-enforcing Along problems miserably abasing… With the...Read the rest...
Categories: pressing, cheer up, christian, faith,
Form: Monorhyme

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry