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Prehension Poems - Poems about Prehension

Prehension Poems - Examples of all types of poems about prehension to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for prehension.
Premium Member Ascension's Dimensions
... Ascension’s intentions shun descension Extension’s prehension ~ Boldest dimensions of invention ......Read the rest...
Categories: prehension, inspiration, metaphor, uplifting,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Talismans
...The imagined force is recast and concentrated into an inorganic material. Intentional, possessing the owner's future with satisfying charisma. The talisman, as some are known t......Read the rest...
Categories: prehension, blessing, future, meaningful, philosophy,
Form: Other

Beam Curvature
...feeling his vitamin injection a new adventure begins a slapstick epic of unfathomable implication here unfolds as the rat gnawed curtain rises at Ye Bone and Gristle among the clattering of wooden......Read the rest...
Categories: prehension, how i feel,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Tree Flying
...Watching each moment, as high as bone and flesh weight allow, in my low-limbed high-rise chestnut tree, immersed in meadow sea of bird-flight creation, I hope to hear our past folding back to in......Read the rest...
Categories: prehension, happiness, peace, solitude, summer,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member This Is To That
...History's regeneration is genetic culture's re-creation. Positive psychology's rehabilitative health is political science's and economic's cooperative regenerative wealth. Permaculture Desi......Read the rest...
Categories: prehension, creation, culture, destiny, health,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum

Premium Member What Goes Must Come
..."One who does not know really knows, and one who knows really does not know." Laotse Squirrel medicine under-stands external relations Economies of stimulus leads to response leads to ev......Read the rest...
Categories: prehension, health, integrity, native american,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Perfect Love, Optimal Life
...Perfect love is perfection, it is rare, if such love exists at all it must thrive beyond boundaries of my own experience either receiving, or giving. Could this perfection of synergetic harmo......Read the rest...
Categories: prehension, culture, love, nature, philosophy,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Hunting Health and Beauty
...Nature hunts health to heal those and that hunted. Spirit healths those and that haunted by haunting those and that unhealed. Human nature incarnates this universal search of why and why not......Read the rest...
Categories: prehension, health, nature, philosophy, power,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Poetic Prehension
...Poets prehend self-governing structures in natural ways that seem more enlightened than pedants of partisan evolution. Prophets predict self-help co-redemption in ways that really could seem mo......Read the rest...
Categories: prehension, memory, philosophy, poetry, political,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member John Michael Greeristics
...Obamystic Preludes: Things we wish tomorrow for today Insufficient knowledge for comprehensively conserving consciousness is also more than sufficient ignorance to liberate comprehensive disea......Read the rest...
Categories: prehension, addiction, america, environment, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Perennial Zen Garden
...I notice Life unfolding each embryo of Time sewing Earth's naturally revolving liturgy, Eco-Rites of Passage through TransMillennial Tao's fertile transition field, Earthly universe our Garden-Co......Read the rest...
Categories: prehension, earth, nature, philosophy, science,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Earth Governance
...Discerning one's universal right of conscience forms comprehensive unitarian consciousness. Or so we future hope recognizing self-governing justice requires trust in each eternal past moment's ......Read the rest...
Categories: prehension, destiny, earth, love, nature,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Begat Primal Rhythm
...Time begat space, energy begat matter, function begat form, as Yin begat Yang. Concave begat convex, negative-squared begat positive, ionic waves begat radiant sprays, as NotNotBinomial Func......Read the rest...
Categories: prehension, creation, culture, earth, environment,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Cosmic Climax
...It's much too close in here for loneliness, or companionship. Either way, I grow too small non-existent non-essential undervalued domesticity with insufficient commodity, just another over-......Read the rest...
Categories: prehension, birth, creation, desire, destiny,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Once Upon Healthy Time
...Once within eternal time of pre-LeftBrain domination, I recall breathing in EarthMother's richly hued nutrition, and this Other inhaling me, purging lungs of misperceptions that I was Her any......Read the rest...
Categories: prehension, birth, culture, history, integrity,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry