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Preface Poems - Poems about Preface

Premium Member CREATIVITY-4 TENETS preface
PREFACE This primary purpose, the actof creativity, which is more important than whether it is considered 'valuable ' or is subjectively 'good' in someone else's eyes. the best and worst ...Read the rest...
Categories: preface, education, poetry,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member A Preface To My Poetry
I have emptied my heart into these pages My pen has bled words in red You can look straight into me I have painted me as I am Honest and truthful I don’t want to be a sham Here...Read the rest...
Categories: preface, character, feelings, identity, image,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Preface
Greetings to those who would willingly seek admission to theater of the absurd. Zoltan Goliath and Otis Trench are masters of the avant-garde genre silent musicals for the imaginary stage, an art form sui generis....Read the rest...
Categories: preface, allegory, literature,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
They told me time would change me, that nightmarish figures would disappear. So I watched them with contempt awaiting the day my mind would clear. I taunted and I pressed them, prompted by a looming lust of...Read the rest...
Categories: preface, allusion, irony,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Always
ALWAYS. ******** Understand. I MUST go On these clearing acts of Instinct and inspiration, these flashings As they come. For a blizzard has Been moving in and the snow is Piling up by the foot...So the doors Must be kept...Read the rest...
Categories: preface, death, endurance, inspiration, jesus,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Shining Preface
Deep blue turbulent waves roll across the bay Cold wind forms white caps on this sunny day Moving all across the water’s surface As if all of this, is just a shining preface Remnants of fall last in brown...Read the rest...
Categories: preface, heart, love, seasons,
Form: Rhyme
The Preface of a Slide
Those men who come in crowds and move multitudes uncountable begin on high grounds with joy then there comes slippery preface Gross praise, flattery, faked joy painting foolishness on the lovers chanting hymns of duped adoration begetting species of blind men And...Read the rest...
Categories: preface, leadership, metaphor,
Form: Elegiac Lyric
Between life and death a photo finish race will decide the relationship. There was intoxication at heights. Your throat had become hoarsed, sliced after a scream. Matchsticks were thrust in the gnawed mound of kneaded flour....Read the rest...
Categories: preface, art,
Form: ABC
Premium Member Preface To a Jamaican Farewell
PREFACE TO A JAMAICA FAREWELL When I’m gone remember me in tamarind season reflecting the bitter sweet of life we shared Raise eyes to the ambers and blues of Caribbean skies Listen to the thunder and hear my soul soaring In the searching...Read the rest...
Categories: preface, analogy, beach, beauty, emotions,
Form: Prose Poetry
Living In My Personal Hell (Preface To My Book)
“It is a never ending nightmare that I cannot wake up from. I keep trying to run away, but it seems the pain is always one step ahead.” As I open my eyes I can see...Read the rest...
Categories: preface,
Form: I do not know?
Between the Moon and Th Sun (A Preface)
You would think it enough How this body wears its time Like a fading memory Of cycles In the prison of the sun Prisms, prisons, pyramids They are all the same Priests of muted things In the ritual of identity Of this sense...Read the rest...
Categories: preface, history, philosophy
Form: Blank verse
Preface (From My Secret Sin)
Perhaps my thoughts could be safe In a book of poems, an opening preface Perhaps I could give the reader a taste Of a book of poems, or an opening preface These poems are created to capture images of...Read the rest...
Categories: preface, life, poems,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things