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Pre Poems - Poems about Pre

Pre Poems - Examples of all types of poems about pre to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for pre.
Premium Member pre-crastinate
There’s an old joke, “Procrastinate now, because the sooner you fall behind, the longer you’ll have to catch up.” Ha ha. While a lot of students around here, even the good ones, are procrastinators, I’m a diagnosed...Read the rest...
Categories: pre, humor, school, strength, stress,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Pre-Valentine’s Frenzy Of Chocolates, Hearts And Flowers
Chocolates, hearts and flowers are ubiquitous in the markets or stores It is like a frenzy storm, like heavy raindrops rushing through the gutters I am told at the big mall, it’s like Christmas Eve, where procrastinators Are...Read the rest...
Categories: pre, anti bullying, care, celebration,
Form: Rhyme

Pre-Determined Donkeys
Donkeys are known for their sheer stubborness; determination beyond compare. I see two "saints" for donkeys, nonetheless - Mary's transport to Bethlehem's square and Balaam's unique donkey, quite rare. Mary's donkey is not mentioned per se in God’s Word, but I...Read the rest...
Categories: animal, appreciation, bible,
Form: Quintain (English)

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Reporter or Reader's Pre-Digital Question
Mymymymymymywhatwhatwhatwhatwhat ‘s hap-hap-hap penned-ink...Read the rest...
Categories: pre, crazy, fantasy, language, surreal,
Form: I do not know?
pre-surgery I have growth on my lower leg which I bravely ignored till my wife said I was smelling It offended me, who showers every morning I went to see my doctor, a woman in her the sixties, she insisted on...Read the rest...
Categories: pre, bangla, blessing, freedom,
Form: Free verse

Pre- Juul time  The trees on the avenida have fairy lights wrapped around their trunk in the evening when the avenida is full of slow-moving cars, people wanting to go home from their offices in the center they drum their fingers...Read the rest...
Categories: pre, allusion, angel, anti bullying,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Pre doms' v free doms
Should we forget about freedoms.?? And accept some Pre-doms? Like a pre-bunking' so childlike and clunking.' Breaking structure much nomen-less clutter..' A nonsense of Pre-sense..' showing credentials quite useless.' Artificial Utopia advertizing a visionary myopia.' Its peonies and Pretzels to...Read the rest...
Categories: analogy, appreciation, education,
Form: Rhyme
Pre Hurricane Milton
The winds came down hard, smashing through St. Pete and Tampa like they owned the place. Hurricane Milton, what a bastard. Storm surge rolled in, drowning streets, homes, lives. Power's out, stores shuttered. The air...Read the rest...
Categories: pre, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Pre op Dr Appt
Anxiety Blood pressure soaring What are they going to say? Are they going to poke and prick me again? There's no where to hide in this room! ...Read the rest...
Categories: pre, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Pre-Marital Phobia
In marriage, there's fear People always have regrets Think mud in water....Read the rest...
Categories: pre, fear, marriage, people, relationship,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member all too soon
Classes started up again today. Soon, we’ll be gloriously stressed, and clocked-up on whatever. Our hearts will swell to the pre-med symphony - a frantic opus, composed in the key of no sleep. In seminars for...Read the rest...
Categories: pre, humor, school, student, work,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member OP-ED Pre-fix : in a Fix
CONTRI and DISTRI Someone somewhere decided English needed to be changed. As usual with our copy-cat world, so dire an unthinking band wagon has spread as a forest fire. An academic,typically verbose, wrote 'why use one when two' could sound more up-to-date...Read the rest...
Categories: pre, language, word play, words,
Form: Prose
Premium Member My Sister's Pre-Marital Wake
I must be nutty as a fruitcake for attending my sister's 'pre-marital wake' Sis likened marriage to 'slow death' ...Read the rest...
Categories: pre, crazy, drink, funeral, giggle,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Bite Sized Poem - Pre Digested Flies
Maker of silken web sits & waits as planned Compound eyes see but don't understand Destiny ensures trapped & entangled fly Struggle is short, venom ensures end is nigh Delicately wrapped, pre-digestion takes place Daily drama that unfolds...Read the rest...
Categories: pre, anxiety,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Stream of Pre-Consciousness
(very early stage of "Before the Door" encaustic, 2023) The Stream Of Pre-Consciousness A friend recently told me, “Write a novel “stream of pre-consciousness” and be amazed” But like a Zen koan this doesn’t offer much immediate help. Stream of consciousness...Read the rest...
Categories: pre, spiritual,
Form: Free verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry