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Potbellied Poems - Poems about Potbellied

Potbellied Poems - Examples of all types of poems about potbellied to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for potbellied.
Premium Member A Log Cabin of Long Ago
... In a log cabin out in the Wild West Many tumultuous years ago A family cuddled and found sweet rest By their potbellied wood-burning stove A tall candle burned bright in the window The har......Read the rest...
Categories: potbellied, family, home, hope, parents,
Form: Rhyme
...Sticky melon juice Drips down potbellied toddlers Dirt and dust encrusts......Read the rest...
Categories: potbellied, beautiful, child, childhood, cute,
Form: Haiku

Where Are You Going
...WHERE ARE YOU GOING? Where are you going? You ask the politician. The politician answers: -To cheat and steal. -Where are you going? a sinful woman asks the priest. The priest answers: -You hav......Read the rest...
Categories: potbellied, allusion,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Pinocchio Is Old
...The wood is too seasoned, the grain hoary. the moppet has grown insane, its wood now riddled with timeless lies. A cat in a dark corner will not look at it. Mice cower under its grim shadow. I......Read the rest...
Categories: potbellied, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Who Told You Love Is Real
...Look around you The baggages of corruption constantly cling to the backs of your potbellied leaders like a mosquito sting that intoxicates you with plasmodium (malaria)! _____ __......Read the rest...
Categories: potbellied, absence, fantasy, love, prejudice,
Form: Free verse

Hard To Believe
...Trusting almost got me killed, Love hurts more than I can imagine, And being real still got me hated. The street has never been rosy, The potbellied men got money for election malpractices But......Read the rest...
Categories: potbellied, poverty,
Form: Free verse
Pinocchio Is Old
...The wood is too seasoned, the grain grown hoary. A cat dozes in a corner of darkness, it will not look at the puppet. In a twilit kitchen an old man grumbles. His joints are dry, they creak ......Read the rest...
Categories: potbellied, poetry,
Form: Free verse
...Once there was a Sultan, Known for his able body of vazirs. Any problem, the vazirs were ready with solutions. Now, there was the problem of malnutrition: The whole sultanate seemed to suffer. A......Read the rest...
Categories: potbellied, education,
Form: Free verse
A Bloody Conversation
..."Nice to see you again", said Mosquito to the Blue-bottled Fly "I see you are well-fed" "Thank you", replied the latter. "I Returned recently from a big meeting" " What meeting? The CONFAB?" "Y......Read the rest...
Categories: potbellied, allegory,
Form: Blank verse
Mini Dubai
...My town nicknamed, ‘Mini Dubai’, burgeoned and branched on the bank of Kanoli canal like a tamarind seed. Now the silvered canal sprawls on its death bed. Busy pedestrians walk down an ancie......Read the rest...
Categories: potbellied, city,
Form: Free verse
...Outside, Lucifur the cat curls up under the heat lamp and sleeps until you can feel hot bones through fur and skin. She's a heat- seeking missle, as much as Jennifer is forever flashing too ho......Read the rest...
Categories: potbellied, cat, family, night, winter,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member Christmas Day 1943 In North Platte, Nebraska
...The Union Pacific steamer billowed clouds of smoke as down the rails it raced! Young soldiers aboard the crowded train contemplated the dire fates they faced. Melancholy thoughts of hearth and home t......Read the rest...
Categories: potbellied, patriotic, war,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Christmas Eve In a Country Church
...Sleigh bells jingle as o'er the snow they glide, To the little country church this Christmas Eventide. Folks anticipate the fellowship that awaits them there, As they celebrate His Birth with caro......Read the rest...
Categories: potbellied, christmas, old,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Christmas Eve In a Country Church
...Sleigh bells jingle as o'er the crystal snow they glide, To the little country church this Christmas Eventide. Folks anticipate the fellowship that awaits them there, As they celebrate His birth w......Read the rest...
Categories: potbellied, holiday, christmas, christmas,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Tea Party
...A game of musical chairs has just begun in earnest. A pot and kettle band arrives through the dining rooms’ French doors following the Valentine Queen. A putrid pink flamingo with a croquet ball ......Read the rest...
Categories: potbellied, childhood, fantasy, childrenchild, child,
Form: Narrative

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