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Postage Poems - Poems about Postage

Postage Poems - Examples of all types of poems about postage to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for postage.

Premium Member Postage Due
Chill confines a diary of absence as September keyholes a papered wall. A smirk tears a face--escapee silence --styles wall with nothingness, dead ends AWOL. A bottle of spent wealth parlays about ... tangled weaves justify the performance. Pebble leather worships...Read the rest...
Categories: postage, break up, change, emotions,
Form: Sonnet
No Postage Necessary
Yo what's up bro, how've you been man? I know I haven't talk to you in a while. That's my fault. I just get so tied up with life and all the negative vibes that...Read the rest...
Categories: postage, birthday,
Form: Epic

Premium Member A Postage Stamp
You Travel ...Read the rest...
Categories: postage, allegory, irony, journey, riddle,
Form: Ninette

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Mama's Gun and a Postage Stamp-F
The postage stamp had now fallen off the envelope but not lost. Tucked away in the box was the stamp that authorized a letter from a mother to her son. Nearby was another stamp with...Read the rest...
Categories: postage, america, chicago, history, mother,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Postage Due
Postage Due Never… leaves no forwarding address ……forever… mails the letters. John G. Lawless ©3/1/2018...Read the rest...
Categories: postage, hope, life,
Form: Monoku

Premium Member The Postage Stamp
I have traveled the world Across the oceans and great lands I have seen this earth from high above A majestic orb in clouded beauty From afar the pain of man, unseen I have exposed myself Like a naked Rembrandt on...Read the rest...
Categories: postage, philosophy, poetry, travel, voyage,
Form: Light Verse
No Postage Necessary
your eyes mail me letters letters i rip open with suspense and wanting words never spoken dancing phrases that i feel in my knees unfold in my stomach your eyes write me love notes notes i tear apart they glance down my body sending cursive...Read the rest...
Categories: postage, passionme,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things