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Piddling Poems - Poems about Piddling

Piddling Poems - Examples of all types of poems about piddling to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for piddling.
Premium Member cha cha cha and lah dee dah
...A piddling, trifling cha cha cha Danced her petootsie off, rah rah rah Wiggling, jiggling and a ha ha ha We wanted to join them lah dee dah......Read the rest...
Categories: piddling, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Rhyme
Ah methinks I could sleep forever
...Ah... methinks I could sleep forever Basking in a supine position with eyes wide shut while the space heater churns out fast moving molecules of heat solitudinarian drowsy thinker fêted by mi......Read the rest...
Categories: piddling, adventure, appreciation, atheist, beautiful,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Three Sides to Every Story
...There are three sides that form every triangle and not always are they of the same equal proportion. There can also be three sides of many a story told, and stitched with tenuous threads that loos......Read the rest...
Categories: piddling, truth,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Keen Observation
... A drunkard while piddling was struck by this fact incidental that holding a beer requires the same hand as at a urinal. ......Read the rest...
Categories: piddling, humor,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member A Keen Observation
... A drunkard while piddling was struck by this fact incidental that holding a beer requires the same hand at a urinal. ......Read the rest...
Categories: piddling, humor,
Form: Light Verse

Premium Member Grooks for Contemplation
... 1. No one likes to be called stupid but given how people act it’s reasonable to ask: Is there a adjective better suited?] 2. Men, do not confuse diddling with that other need, piddli......Read the rest...
Categories: piddling, humor,
Form: Grook
Strong suspicion a 2024 presidential win
...Strong suspicion a 2024 presidential win... for the trumpeting don spells loss for democracy after inauguration day witnesses his swearing-in nepotism will run rampant lawlessness the name of......Read the rest...
Categories: piddling, america, angst, anxiety, business,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member If Only
..."If only..." How often I've whispered those two piddling words. Quietly, like the fluttering wings of hummingbirds, wishing I could rewind the clock to the time when we......Read the rest...
Categories: piddling, sad love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Hypersonic Tsunami
...I/you is/am/was a soldier of fortuitous (mis)fortune a quiet puddle piddling in southerly sloth a gnarly ghost galloping in whirling ~ twirling ~ swirling electronic sandstorms ......Read the rest...
Categories: piddling, dark, society, surreal, word
Form: Free verse
Personified Lighted Candle
...PERSONIFIED LIGHTED CANDLE: Come on, I'm strong and edified. No one can hold me in detention for getting them defied. Compared to Cassius Clay; fiercely bonified. A firmly personified lighted c......Read the rest...
Categories: piddling, self,
Form: Lyric
Storm Clouds
...A buzz-saw wind peppers a far horizon. We hear the nails falling from an impossible distance. Damage will be done elsewhere; instinct squeezes a grey glue out of blind brains. A razor-teethe......Read the rest...
Categories: piddling, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Inner Peace
... Inner Peace Miracle Man February 3, 2022 A soft breeze rustles through dry grass, and we observe time being whispered from life. Breeze and time both leave imprints of having be......Read the rest...
Categories: piddling, peace,
Form: Rhyme
Dan-- You Are the Best
...(Sing along to tune, "Simply the Best!") Dan, i'm saying, my laugh's afire, Dan, I voted for you, on the wires, Dan, golfers are piddling in the rain! They'll get Corona on their dicks again, ......Read the rest...
Categories: piddling, analogy, angst, beautiful, environment,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Randy Wanted To Be Dashing
...Standing reverent in a dull cast mist glazing my cheeks while prayers were said so silent stood at Rand's memorial My mind dashed to the self-drawn sketch he staged as "The Youthful Raconteur"; ......Read the rest...
Categories: piddling, brother, death, destiny, earth,
Form: Free verse
Thank You Soupers
...We may think we are piddling poets But some of our words are knit through eternity When they hearten, give that single smile, you know it May be the only smile all day, all week, for you and me ......Read the rest...
Categories: piddling, appreciation, cheer up, community,
Form: Free verse

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