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Physiotherapist Poems - Poems about Physiotherapist

Physiotherapist Poems - Examples of all types of poems about physiotherapist to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for physiotherapist.

I fear my own feelings
... A shield of ice, a fortress built within, To quell the storm, the chaos from within. Dissociation's touch, a chilling grace, That stills the pain, erases time and space. But at what cost, thi......Read the rest...
Categories: physiotherapist, mental health, mental illness,
Form: Free verse
Alison Patrick
...Alison completed the triathlon in Rio, With Hazel Smith, her guide athlete, ‘Cos she’s visually impaired, not solo, And so needs Hazel to see the beat. She comes from Dunfermline, Scotland......Read the rest...
Categories: physiotherapist, sports, strength,
Form: Quatrain

Faye Mcclelland
...Faye was working as a gym instructor, When a colleague asked her to set up, A triathlon event, and she was a runner, In the contest, so desired to join up. She competed in her first triathl......Read the rest...
Categories: physiotherapist, sports, strength,
Form: Quatrain

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Anne Dickins
...Anne Dickins Anne was an endurance cyclist, But in 2011 she ruptured her back, Which meant that she did enlist, Cauda equine syndrome, her yack. A physiotherapist cool by profession, A......Read the rest...
Categories: physiotherapist, sports, strength,
Form: Quatrain
Hydrotherapy In Action
...>Hydrotherapy pool in action Now the blue sky has vanished, I must go out you know. That will be the signal, for God to make it snow. I wonder why he does do it? I asked for it not. I did for ......Read the rest...
Categories: physiotherapist, dedication, dog, funny, god,
Form: Prose

Book: Reflection on the Important Things