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Philosophic Poems - Poems about Philosophic

Philosophic Poems - Examples of all types of poems about philosophic to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for philosophic.
Premium Member Detente
... Because peace is more important than winning... Like arrows shot right through a weary heart these words in anger pierce the tender flesh. This gift of verse, each eager to impart feels wast......Read the rest...
Categories: philosophic, angst, peace,
Form: Sonnet
...In the meeting of LUKA members,  Yves Kamunobe stood up and started reciting, " As I was sleeping , I heard an old man screaming ,' Wake up Wamasa......Read the rest...
Categories: philosophic, africa, flower, humanity, imagery,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member ear rations ancient times ear-rational philosophers spoke... with respect to irrational philosophic calls stan sand ......Read the rest...
Categories: philosophic, philosophy,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member diction - air ease
...oxfords current english diction (air-ease of meaning) echoes- an engaging philosophic-call (for a small full-loss-of-fee) for- the pages of 'philosophy now' a magazine of meaning ......Read the rest...
Categories: philosophic, adventure, wisdom,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Its brains, the Sapiophile
...So I added a new word to my description of self Sapiophile, romantically attracted to intelligence wealth If you are smart and have that laser keen mind I want to know you, explore you deeper in......Read the rest...
Categories: philosophic, appreciation, i am, psychological,
Form: Rhyme

No Words
...A poem looks at me, I cannot see its face. "What am I" it says. This question is a mind-trap. I reply: You are an expression of the I AM. The poem continues its inquiry: "Am I good or ......Read the rest...
Categories: philosophic, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Three Legged Table
...Unity of the Trinity in Christianity The Triune Allah-Jesus-Mary concept of Islam The Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva... one with the humanity All amalgamate into sole wholeness and grand great charm... I......Read the rest...
Categories: philosophic, image, imagery,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Free-Versed
...phil lost sophie ...with his... file-loss...of 'fees' ...and...a... full loss of...'why' ...wrt his... phi-loss...of 'phi' ...itself in his... philosoph-'hick calls' ...meaning...he'd ......Read the rest...
Categories: philosophic, absence, analogy, philosophy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Eternity
...Eternity ensues to mount from fertile vale above the mist. Traverse the river past the turn. Calm at the perpetual fount and steady forth into the fist of heady sun-struck silent burn. En......Read the rest...
Categories: philosophic, environment, god, mountains, river,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Nonconformist Idealist
...A catholic priest from the Scottish highlands, Scotus treaded a nonconformist philosophic path, deviating from the high middle age mainstream, for his doctrines of realistic beliefs he was......Read the rest...
Categories: philosophic, life, philosophy,
Form: Free verse
At the Pivot of Invention Or Piggyback the interpretation comes perception—the faraway dream, the symbols—or the way I attack myself—in harassing my screams. upon a wishbone, to feel some semblance, listening to darker parts; the curse......Read the rest...
Categories: philosophic, black african american,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Janie Huzzie Bowa
...thesis: strength endures voids and emptiness. strength constructs no homes (antithesis: if your house leaks then on swollen days in sullen seasons there is no home for you) there is endless r......Read the rest...
Categories: philosophic, angel, hero, home, mirror,
Form: Free verse
When the Rich Wage War
...when the rich wage war, it is the poor who die overflowing their bank accounts as they lie hiding behind niceties as they make us slaves wars made to control us, which they create and crave w......Read the rest...
Categories: philosophic, corruption, philosophy, political,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Creativity
...Robert’s crafted a fine form of poetry we will sup drink from philosophic cup his creativity’s now reborn. Form "Lind30"......Read the rest...
Categories: philosophic, poems, poetry, writing,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Philosophic Age
...The philosophy of philosophy is a philosophic probe not well lubed and often painful as the followers grow old crumbled bits of papered truth lost within their souls begging for a second chance......Read the rest...
Categories: philosophic, age, philosophy,
Form: Rhyme

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry