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Permission Poems - Poems about Permission

Permission Poems - Examples of all types of poems about permission to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for permission.
without my permission
Speak to the primrose, Of this girl, This princess Haunting your thoughts Without my permission, Speak to the primrose, From this satin wine This nectar that flows In your glass, Without my permission, Talk with the primrose You can’t live Without thinking of them They never...Read the rest...
Categories: permission, 9th grade, confidence, missing
Form: Free verse
If I want to change the world I will get a train ride To mount Zion today And get the express permission Of God I will ask God To allow all married men With marital challenges To rewind the clock of life And...Read the rest...
Categories: permission, 8th grade, adventure,
Form: Classicism

Permission To Leave
Don't break someone's soul If you're no longer happy Ask to leave; basic....Read the rest...
Categories: permission, engagement, leaving, perspective, sorry,
Form: Senryu
Permission to Pause Permission to Pause Reflect Revise and recheck Permission to take a deep breath We need it Retrieve it Get that ounce of air We all have time to spare Pause with...Read the rest...
Categories: permission, age,
Form: Free verse
Never Wait For Permission
Only wait for a timely opportunity, alike space on road, then gently squeeze in, it is not any world's job to give you permission to be you, only to tell you how much of you...Read the rest...
Categories: permission, culture, philosophy, social, society,
Form: Free verse

Bed Used Without Permission
So, you thought you have the right To in my bed pass a night, Not alone, with your lover, Vulgar love-making brave, Sensual pleasures coarsely crave… You have my mattress defiled, All night romances of the wild; For hours with a pervert...Read the rest...
Categories: permission, anger, hate, heart, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Permission To Daydream
I bought a hammock Granted myself permission to daydream The dog is confused He's lay underneath as I'm out of reach Meaning I need to be a hammock expert And not fall out It's all the things I wanted it to...Read the rest...
Categories: permission, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Cruelest
We blame any obstacles in our ways The obstacles are cruel We try all the ways to remove them We blame the devil as well as God But who is or which is the cruelest after all I said...Read the rest...
Categories: permission, god, time,
Form: Free verse
With Your Permission My Lady
with your permission my lady i will take my leave has your heart spoken it all do not tarry here do not let quiet pervade it will destroy the silence of love where galaxies meld a thorn in the side hidden burr in...Read the rest...
Categories: permission, devotion, love,
Form: Romanticism
After Dissension God Gave Me Permission
many prefaces emphasis on Ephesus said on premises what we do intend hand of friendship did extend love of God will lend had a huge hassle trying to put on my tassel to ground will wrestle (wraahstle) others have been caught open email rather...Read the rest...
Categories: permission, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Permission To Mourn
It is okay to mourn the rapid speed by which this treacherous virus caught us off guard Now we cope, we survive, some better than others And for so many, too many the dignity of dying has been denied After...Read the rest...
Categories: permission, hope, strength,
Form: Free verse
I provide every right to my desire, to have desire ... ...Read the rest...
Categories: permission, allusion, confidence, creation, literature,
Form: Epigram
Premium Member Permission Denied
Action from intent Conscience accords not assent Love being absent 02-October-2020...Read the rest...
Categories: permission, spiritual,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member My Mind Never Waits For Permission
my mind never waits for permission Jumping in with exuberant joy Leaping life’s pages two at a time Flipping people as fast as chapters Sure it may seem fickle, but I am a Gemini My life is mercurial. I move...Read the rest...
Categories: permission, perspective, self,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Physics Without Parental Permission
velocity measured with ticker tape — students jump out window 9/2/2020 JCB Burl’s My Most Unforgettable Moment in HighSchool...Read the rest...
Categories: permission, school,
Form: Monoku

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