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Perked Up Poems - Poems about Perked Up

Perked Up Poems - Examples of all types of poems about perked up to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for perked up.
Premium Member Amish, Hasids, and Mormons
...A madman pushed me off the track, lucky not much harm I sat in the Hospital waiting room with just a broken arm. They handed me a form to fill, 20 genders, 10 types of race - I tore the sheet with......Read the rest...
Categories: perked up, america, culture, integrity, jewish,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Antics of Lady
...Hunting is her game.. 'Lady' is her name Antics of a hilarious Basset hound! Lady was home alone All she had was her green plastic bone Her owners had gone out for the day And Lady real......Read the rest...
Categories: perked up, animal, child, dog, funny,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Only Slade's Brain
...Tim was the new judge in Deadwood Flat Not really qualified, just a rancher at that He first case was of the outlaw, Horace Slade Caught red handed in a cattle raid The jury took ten minutes to......Read the rest...
Categories: perked up, humor, time, western,
Form: Lyric

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member She Wants To Be a Cat
...A tiny bit of surgery will turn you into a cat I loved the idea, and told my cousin, Rat. He rolled his eyes saying it would be dumb to do. What does he know? He is a mere baby, only forty-two. ......Read the rest...
Categories: perked up, cat,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Souvenirs From Volcanic Forest
...He consulted a warlock, a wizard, a priest and a witch. The witch finally asked “did you pick up something you shouldn’t have?” He thought about this and remembered. He had collected seashells, st......Read the rest...
Categories: perked up, travel,
Form: Prose Poetry

The Eighth Note of Octave
...Pray, spare this man of a rare calibre, Fine, let him prove how good he’s as singer. Soon as Malhar was sung, rain cooled the breeze, Leaves perked up to listen from nearby trees, Beats of M......Read the rest...
Categories: perked up, history, music, silence,
Form: Metrical Tale
Premium Member Surprise For the Forest Bear Warrior
...ultimate forest bear warrior was not always an upright walking beast He had been transmogrified by a wizard named Helcreast. Helcreast had turned him when he had his eyes on his daughter. He foole......Read the rest...
Categories: perked up, animal, fantasy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Kabir and Max
...When he was a young boy in India Kabir loved to read neath his favorite tree… only pausing to watch the clouds… some times he’d read in silence…other times…aloud. One day while reading he notice......Read the rest...
Categories: perked up, friendship,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Where Are the Faerie Books
...Evell’s pointed ears perked up. A faerie library! Where was it? When does it open? Who can check out books? She was intrigued. “Only true faeries can see it,” evil Morganna said, she was a chit. N......Read the rest...
Categories: perked up, 10th grade, 4th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Ticking Clock
...Mr. Gee’s ears perked up at the sound of the ticking time clock. He held it for another second, another foot step, another block. Was it a bomb? Would he be blown to smithereens in a bit? Throw i......Read the rest...
Categories: perked up, animal,
Form: Rhyme
Calcivore, Part V
...V. It was several minutes before Singh spoke said,“There was a beacon on your life raft, we saw here it went after you ship sank, knew if you reached ground then things would be bad.” At this ......Read the rest...
Categories: perked up, adventure, animal, dark, death,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member I Strained To Hear More
...Bodies are always turning up in the bayou. I stopped scarfing down my sandwich. My ears perked up. I wondered what he meant. He must have been sitting behind me in the next booth. The waitress ......Read the rest...
Categories: perked up, life,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member How Jay-Bird Got His Name
...Young James Pruitt was an ordinary boy; he grew up in an ordinary town. But set a spell, and I’ll tell a tale of how some not-so-ordinary things went down. See, James was a good boy; he did his......Read the rest...
Categories: perked up, boy,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member Awakened From a Deep Sleep
...In the sunshine on the living-room rug Sparkles was asleep in the sun How I longed to give her a hug He ears perked up from her sleep When she heard a Dove's sing ......Read the rest...
Categories: perked up, bird, cat, sunshine,
Form: Etheree
Savour of An Enchanted Love
...SAVOUR OF AN ENCHANTED LOVE Hold me in your eyes spellbound. Keep me there, warm and safe. And let the charm stay potent. With each wave of the wand, Enchant me. Take me on an exhilarat......Read the rest...
Categories: perked up, africa, art, care, cute
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry