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Pendulum Poems - Poems about Pendulum

Pendulum Poems - Examples of all types of poems about pendulum to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for pendulum.
So Many Seduced by Rhythmic Pendulum of Trauma and Absurd Normalcy
So Many Seduced by Rhythmic Pendulum of Trauma & Absurd Normalcy.. Intelligent musical talent begins with this, to relearn the timing within our soul, But other tactical psychological methods are busy swaying to and fro, To an obvious...Read the rest...
Categories: pendulum, humanity,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member The Pendulum Swung
Some folks cheer, others boo Millions celebrate, millions stew 2025: Rarely has it been so true ...Read the rest...
Categories: pendulum, america, change, culture, future,
Form: Couplet

The Edge of Time
I’m sitting on the edge of time For just a disembodied pause, While pointed hands o’er rounded chime Obey the pendulum’s swayed cause. Where kinetics’ course is lastly laid, Comes forth the pointing to a door That opens wide. Be not...Read the rest...
Categories: pendulum, allegory, allusion, metaphor, philosophy,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Pendulum of life
It keeps swinging I can't stop it The pain hitting I can't stop it Is this what it is? I can't stop it Left to right hits I can't stop it Pendulum of this I can't stop it Life of hits I can't stop it Needing...Read the rest...
Categories: pendulum, evil, fire, hello,
Form: Rhyme
Mental Pendulum
Move along, Come back to me, You're in every song, I have to leave you be. Back and forth I go, Leave me alone, How I love you so, I miss your moan. Stay the hell away, I need to feel peace, Without you I'm...Read the rest...
Categories: pendulum, conflict, confusion, feelings, i
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Physics Class
You're tired of studying the spring? Rise above that and learn to swing. It's oscillatory motion, you bum, The science of the pendulum....Read the rest...
Categories: pendulum, humor, science,
Form: Epigram
Premium Member As The Pendulum Sways
As The Pendulum Sways and Time Drifts Astray, and the Wind swifts away all that was and returns it to it's Essence beyond the Ashes and Dust, and the Ticking Withers into the Frey ...Read the rest...
Categories: pendulum, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member May God bless the drive thru's
Several weeks in to this healing journey. Grateful of course, there was no gurney.. Now waiting for these bones to knit. It's challenging for me to quietly sit. Wheeling around my condo floors, the metal stripping's are loose once more. My...Read the rest...
Categories: pendulum, feelings, health,
Form: Rhyme
Speaking in whispers no one cares within the crying a serenade is played Secrets not shared Winter is early this year Snow on the ground it looks like Christmas is all year round It all starts within the gloom upstairs imprisoned Caesars waiting their pendulum...Read the rest...
Categories: pendulum, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
The Pit and the Pendulum
I think I found the prescription for the sickness behind my obvious problems Or I found the key that fits in the lock of the door of ignoring them I’m not sure which one it is...Read the rest...
Categories: pendulum, emotions, fear, growing up,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member In the Hush of My Sanctuary
In my sanctuary’s hush where Poe’s tales I clasp Into his world I plunge with a breath, a rasp. Beneath the creaking floorboards a heart's pulse In my mind, my mind, oh it throbs and gasps; Suddenly then I'm...Read the rest...
Categories: pendulum, death, fear, halloween, heart,
Form: Rhyme
The Pendulum
A pendulum, in its silent sweep, ponders The way of life it chooses for the grandfather clock, Infinite moments marked by measured swings, A dance through time, precise and steady. With each swing, it contemplates its role, A ceaseless metronome...Read the rest...
Categories: pendulum, time,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member The Pendulum of My Soul
New surroundings breathing life into me, My lungs fill with cool air, it’s sustaining, Inhale, exhale… each breath: stress waning. Blood transporting excitement toward an apogee. Continuing to pump, this heart of mine, With each beat powering this...Read the rest...
Categories: pendulum, character, feelings, freedom, growth,
Form: Rhyme
On an iron fence Two string saliva sways A time pendulum....Read the rest...
Categories: pendulum, fun, image, motivation,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member How the Pendulum Swings
Have you ever noticed how life is like a pendulum…swinging to and fro.. continuously moving between opposing forces…wherever we choose to go? As I look out on the world…at this constant fluctuation…this unbroken sway It seems to me...Read the rest...
Categories: pendulum, destiny, fate, life,
Form: Rhyme

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry