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Penchant Poems - Poems about Penchant

Penchant Poems - Examples of all types of poems about penchant to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for penchant.
Premium Member Sequestered Trilonnet
...I have a penchant for your kiss, I kind of dig that hidden smile; Look in my eyes there’s no typo; Each moment I don’t want to miss, Baby please let me stay awhile; It’s so warm I want to go s......Read the rest...
Categories: penchant, emotions, kiss, love, romance,
Form: Other
Premium Member A Song Of Home
...Inamorata you’re beguiling, I greet hurkle-durkle so often; That sweet vibrato is enthralling, I have to capture it with my pen. Lost myself to the affinity to stay beside you every second, ......Read the rest...
Categories: penchant, emotions, romance, writing,
Form: Free verse

Lemme regale you with splendid and fabulous exuberance
...Lemme regale you with splendid and fabulous exuberance Despite being an amateur paperback writer wannabe, whose storied protagonist stars colporteur wannabe (thinly veiled cover as yours truly......Read the rest...
Categories: penchant, adventure, age, america, appreciation,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Queen Has a Navy that Floats in Her Gravy
...The Queen has a navy That floats in her gravy, It’s sharp and its clear, But it’s sure tough to steer, For the rudders get stuck In that thick, grayish muck, And the lads in the stern Have a p......Read the rest...
Categories: penchant, adventure, allegory, boat, character,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member In My Deepest Fantasies
...Sunday cockcrow nascent promulgate aural essays reveal, laissez-faire luscious lustrous buoyant raptures, radio behemoth prompt to that untamed erudite fantasist, me the one possessing rippled ra......Read the rest...
Categories: penchant, celebration, character, confidence, destiny,
Form: Free verse

HO HO WHOA Second Chance algorithm drawing for January 17, 2025
...HO HO WHOA Second Chance algorithm drawing for January 17, 2025 No matter I kept fingers and toes crossed, and waited with bated breath since January 2, 2025 even converted from skeptic to ortho......Read the rest...
Categories: penchant, 7th grade, 8th grade,
Form: Free verse
Raw Obsessions
... The penchant of a national leader. can show malignancy in things he says; things for which his mind needs a proof-reader. Some tempers malign as rivals start to quiz Views have drawn the cance......Read the rest...
Categories: penchant, 11th grade, addiction, cancer,
Form: Quintain (English)
Premium Member Passed The Bell
...Nights of flying dream world, who might chase a raucous laugh, or seek indeed mirthful excitement, the sort that has embroidered twists, as is generally perceived by intention, but epic hurdle......Read the rest...
Categories: penchant, art, city, deep, emotions,
Form: Free verse
The Making of a Teenage Tragedy
...I live, letting life’s events blow along with the wind; inhaling the scented, crisp breeze. I seldom sit down and question my purpose, instead I flow from the water which I arose from. Though the wat......Read the rest...
Categories: penchant, abuse, age, depression, for
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member Gust of Wind on the Seine Bridge - Louis Anquetin
... Tethered to the omnibus, weathering storms ~ lean into it, hang on, become the wisp. As perception shapes and shifts, our eyes sting, blind spots get filled in; create echo fil......Read the rest...
Categories: penchant, art,
Form: Ekphrasis
Animating Inner Vibrance
...Betwixt the pulse of our heartbeat Simply present, head-heart linking Dwelling in time stretched blissful peace Awareness becomes unblinking Till your fatal entry My heart leaps with indignat......Read the rest...
Categories: penchant, abuse, addiction, anxiety, death,
Form: Elegiac Lyric
Petals of Pain
...A noblewoman who never sheds scars from fragile eyes, you won’t hear her inner child cry. A palette of purple pride hides horrific truths. We hid behind a small frame, evading the regiment’s reig......Read the rest...
Categories: penchant, anger, anti bullying, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Victorious flirtatious foreplay
...Victorious flirtatious foreplay I awoke early - now my body will sleep, though thoughts rise like the Azores of snuggling next to such an adorable atomic bombshell of a beauty - boars into my ......Read the rest...
Categories: penchant, 12th grade, absence, adventure,
Form: Rhyme
Register Call
...A skeletal smirk at the school door - the greeter-teacher; 50 years later, I feel his gimlet eyes at my back, that leer is now plugged with dirt, yet it can still be traced in the brown water sta......Read the rest...
Categories: penchant, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Ecstasy Of Salvation
... With empty capacious cauldrons the living entities arrive arrogant, and depart organically desolate. In between they turn into instinctive greed slaves to snatch the unearned fortunes, ......Read the rest...
Categories: penchant, analogy, peace, spiritual,
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry