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Peine Poems - Poems about Peine

Peine Poems - Examples of all types of poems about peine to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for peine.
The Cat Introduces The Snake and The Rat
...The snake and the Rat Saturday night Deep the light minds of the night flow In the pines of trees In tales of make believe The funk is in the trunk Given up on a pseudo memory Takes a woman......Read the rest...
Categories: peine, beauty, cat, identity, visionary,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Mama Has Left
...Mama has left She is no longer alive She left Mother Earth She is in the cemetery Mom is further on She is, here and there, really Mother is gone And no longer here With us, under the sun Mo......Read the rest...
Categories: peine, death, earth, funeral, goodbye,
Form: Rhyme

Sonnet 09: L'empreinte Du Destin
...Devrais-je feindre l'ignorance pour cacher mes sentiments, Ou devrais-je vraiment m'en soucier, incapable de feindre? Tant de courage pour affronter l'inconnu, Pourtant muet devant elle, le cœu......Read the rest...
Categories: peine, 11th grade, appreciation, blessing,
Form: Sonnet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Ode a Yseult
...Femme, femme que j’aimais tant Oh ! Il y a plusieurs printemps Qu’il faisait beau temps Et le vent sifflait lestement bas et lent Oh ! Femme, tu fus jeune, pétillante et forte Mignonne, maintena......Read the rest...
Categories: peine, beauty, death of a
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Translation of Si La Vie Demande Ca By the Groupe Native
...Translated: Si la vie demande ça by Laura and Chris Mayne by T. Wignesan. If Life would not wish it otherwise [Note: The two sister French Caribbean-Martinique Black “Blues” Swan : Laura an......Read the rest...
Categories: peine, 7th grade, french, heartbroken,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

Deux Oiseaux Sur Un Arbre
...Au début de février, le changement saisonnier a peu avancé, Le chaud encore timide, le froid à peine enfui, Un arbre se ressent du manque de fleur et de fruit Il n'y a que des faibles feuilles cl......Read the rest...
Categories: peine, blessing,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member If Ever I Had a Country: Lxxxii - 82
...IF EVER I HAD A COUNTRY - LXXXII for Carlos Bousoño, the eminent Spanish critic, poet and professor who maintained that if you don't like the "humorist", you're not likel......Read the rest...
Categories: peine, humor, poetry, writing,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Une Homme Pour La Vie
...Stylo à la main Je n’écris pas mon destin ni la fin Mais cette aventure dans le train Ce train de la vie que J’aime à l’infini Beaucoup de détours tous les jours Mais il n’y a pas d’aller-reto......Read the rest...
Categories: peine, emotions, faith, love, men,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Translation of Yesterday When I Was Young By T Wignesan
...Translation of YESTERDAY WHEN I WAS YOUNG By T. Wignesan (Written by : Herbert Kretzmer) (Variously sung in a host of styles, moods and orchestration by exquisite soul-movers like Roberta Fl......Read the rest...
Categories: peine, joy, life, song, sorrow,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member Translation of Those Were the Days, My Friend By T Wignesan
...Translation of " Those were the Days, My Friend " by T. Wignesan Ces jours éloignés que nous avions partagés, Mon Ami (A re-make of an earlier Russian song, produced by Paul McCartenay and s......Read the rest...
Categories: peine, i miss you, romantic,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member Translation of Marcel Moreau's a L'Amour By T Wignesan
...Translation of the Elegy: On Marceline Desbordes-Valmore - À L'amour - Poem by Marcel Moreau Translated by T. Wignesan Reprends de ce bouquet les trompeuses couleurs, (Take back the dubiou......Read the rest...
Categories: peine, absence, hate, heartbreak, irony,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Translation of Eric Mottram's Krim: Autobiography To September 1989- I By T Wignesan
...Translation of Eric Mottram’s KRIM: AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY TO SEPTEMBER 1989 - I by T. Wignesan ( This poem is from the collection, ESTUARIES: Poems 1989-91. Twickenham: Solaris, 1992, 62p. Pub. by Y......Read the rest...
Categories: peine, america, angst, art, friend,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Translation of Eric Mottram's Time Sight Unseen, Part 3 By T Wignesan
...Translation of Eric Mottram’s TIME SIGHT UNSEEN, Part Three by T. Wignesan "Instead of an item in a school of rhetoric, the poem could have variety of articulations, continuity and discontinuit......Read the rest...
Categories: peine, art, literature, metaphor, philosophy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Skies From a Little Girl's Eyes
...She wades in until the water reaches her waist, looks out and continues into the endless sea. Her imagined long gown floats behind her. Her little girl shoulder blades become hidden beneath......Read the rest...
Categories: peine, child, french, nature, princess,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Translation of Oodgeroo Noonuccal's Dawn Wail For the Dead By T Wignesan
...La plainte au lever du jour pour les Morts – Translation of Oodgeroo Noonuccal’s “Dawn Wail for the Dead” by T. Wignesan (Note: The style of the original smacks of hurried note-taking, say, by ......Read the rest...
Categories: peine, cry, memory, pride, remember,
Form: Free verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry