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Peer Poems - Poems about Peer

Peer Poems - Examples of all types of poems about peer to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for peer.
Quiet, Stiff Thoughts
No speech, no thoughts, Quiet is what they want. So that is what they get. I will never speak about love or respect- For anyone, so I will still as a stone. Cold, frozen, and...Read the rest...
Categories: peer, 10th grade, anxiety, best
Form: Rhyme
Fair Lady Without Peer by Charles d’Orleans
Fair Lady Without Peer by Charles d’Orleans loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch Fair Lady, without peer, my plea, Is that your grace will pardon me, Since I implore, on bended knee. ...Read the rest...
Categories: peer, angel, beauty, french, god,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member The Great Paradox of Being
("Halves of a Whole", 2019, original encaustic) The Great Paradox of Being The great paradox of being is simple really. It’s that no matter how confident we are in our own experience and values, that can all be thrown into...Read the rest...
Categories: peer, introspection, judgement, psychological, social,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Peer Teaching
Our teacher says, “By peer teaching you can learn, You can share your thoughts lovingly through cooperation” But there’s always a big problem with my peer partner, Fern She's quite clumsy! Keeps dropping her stuffs when it’s...Read the rest...
Categories: peer, children, love,
Form: Rhyme
The talebearer with words as sharp as nails, Etched with a mark of tales, Prancing with thoughts of maim, Proclaiming an innocent face touche, "What will you gain," "By causing peer pain," Oh talebearer foul minded you are, What is it?, bound...Read the rest...
Categories: peer, age, character, desire,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member A Peer Amid - Millennials
ancients believed time lends... any-chance for anything anywhere that science be correct... so its manifestations not crrrack however two dozen ancient pyramids sank into the sands unlike the boats of plank... that carried the stones across distances to the desert locale of...Read the rest...
Categories: peer, appreciation, science,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Enslaved By Demons, False Angels
Walking through the halls unopposed, Seeking weakness and pillaging fears, Bullying the weak and it’s all cheers, All those around with their eyes closed. Large crowd, feeling alone; enslaved behavior, Tied and bound to posts of false peers, No one...Read the rest...
Categories: peer, angel, anti bullying, bullying,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Hidden Fragments
Distrust lies in my heart, I’ve learned the hard way That even those who you think are for your best are for their way I was unaware of reality, so my opinions were swayed; I was left alone,...Read the rest...
Categories: peer, conflict, grief, growing up,
Form: Lyric
A Peer Inside
. for public domain I noticed a hollow in the banyan seed, but I would not have seen a hollow was there if not for the boundary, the inner lining of the flesh. And so I notice when I look...Read the rest...
Categories: peer, light, silence,
Form: Free verse
Peer Pressure
his daughter is smiling this bedouin full of trust but she is so beguiling and bed her I must "fair lady, enchantment I see would you care to dance" "kind sir, you honour me I am grateful for a chance" Can we love...Read the rest...
Categories: peer, feelings, heartbreak, heartbroken,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Avoiding Peer Pressure
blazing hot like cayenne pepper, especially in adolescent years, malleable youths bend and capitulate to peer pressure; grown folks take the bait, too. it could be a simple "try this like the rest of us cool kids!" or just an effortless nudge...Read the rest...
Categories: peer, encouraging, inspirational, meaningful, perspective,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member Friends
Man loves friends Babies have toys as friends Children have peer groups as friends Young men like making friends Friends can become spouses Entrepreneurs have ambitions and dreams as friends Stars are friends of the moon The splendid glow is the friend...Read the rest...
Categories: peer, africa, friend, grandchild, moon,
Form: Free verse
Xafar Xafar Xafar
Categories: peer, addiction, betrayal, celebrity, drug,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Breakwater Marquette, Michegan
Technically, not a sea at all, Lake Superior churns up its share of sea storms. There is not a lot to do in Marquette, Michigan: Except for high school drivers to "buzz the gut", Or cruise past a courthouse...Read the rest...
Categories: peer, adventure, education, fate, growing
Form: Free verse
Peer Pressure
PEER PRESSURE I slit my wrists To put some ice on it Being cool has a price (Tesem Tellz Ikima 2021)...Read the rest...
Categories: peer, addiction, age, anxiety, christian,
Form: Free verse

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