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Paved Poems - Poems about Paved

Paved Poems - Examples of all types of poems about paved to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for paved.
Fading Lucidity
Dwindling minds breeds clarity, exhaling paved trepidation, as gilded moon tides shadow my fading lucidity....Read the rest...
Categories: paved, anxiety, fear,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Way Uphill is Paved
The way uphill is paved With Winter white and cherry lips; Silver wings filigree-engraved, Runners’ serpentine-slips. With Winter white and cherry lips, Calmness after the blizzard winds. Runners’ serpentine slips. A child’s whim, hallelujah hymns. Calmness after the blizzard winds. The landscape, a breath...Read the rest...
Categories: paved, winter,
Form: Pantoum

Premium Member Streets Paved with Gold
The Israelites once worshiped a calf made of gold ~ In America that idea never grew old...Read the rest...
Categories: paved, america, money, religion,
Form: Couplet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Unsupervised Stop Sign
Who says stop? Road signs, yes. But those who don’t like what is happening. The abused, the neglected, the rejected. Often ladies who don’t want to be fondled by the men they’ve accepted as dates...Read the rest...
Categories: paved, destiny, fate, feelings, wisdom,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member Walking Barefoot There's No Need For Shoes Walking On the Streets Paved With Gold In God's Glory-
Family, there are these quaint elder travelers Not? Yet a hundred years old, they've been gone from on top of this Earth Now they're walking streets of gold So now these travelers ain't got no...Read the rest...
Categories: paved, adventure, analogy, beautiful, dedication,
Form: Dramatic Verse

Paved With Ice
A winter storm brought about six inches of snow, as the road turned white....Read the rest...
Categories: paved, nature,
Form: Haiku
Paved In Gold
Paved in gold, paved in gold. No more sitting alone in front of the fire awaiting fruition of dreams, awaiting my hearts desire. Those days were swept away in the chilly falls of yesterdays. It was a cold and windy...Read the rest...
Categories: paved, love,
Form: Free verse
Gold-Paved Path
G-old-paved path in heaven I-s in store for the flock; G-lorify the Lord God, I-n spite of the block. B-elieve in the gold-paved path, A-im at the blissful abode; R-each the promised paradise, C-herish the glorious road. E-verlasting...Read the rest...
Categories: paved, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Paved In Stone
Forty years of bad road, a path of broken glass Potholed memories line my thoughts, devil waiting fast Daring me—“Retrace your steps, your quickest way back home” Forty years of shattered dreams, —the future...Read the rest...
Categories: paved, future,
Form: Rhyme
A Well-Paved and Smooth Road
M-arch thirtieth day turns fine, A-fter the cold chill has gone; R-ain and clouds have turned I-nto a warm morning sun. S-hadows pass from view as the darkness turns into light; H-aze has just faded when the...Read the rest...
Categories: paved, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Walking Streets Paved With Nameless Stones
Walking Streets Paved With Nameless Stones I walk a street paved with nameless stones shadows of racing strangers I often meet are empty suits covering faceless bones Dark spirits that never dare to greet my...Read the rest...
Categories: paved, allegory, allusion, creation, deep,
Form: Rhyme
Paved Jungle
We are living in such a paved jungle! There are miles of concrete and sidewalks There are skylights and many skyscrapers, but we really have to pay attention! At any corner are waiting: snakes, lions and tigers. Oh poor...Read the rest...
Categories: paved, character, community, corruption, feelings,
Form: Free verse
This Paradise Will Not Be Paved
kissing the underbelly of a white cloud becoming perfectly serene in adequate comfort thinking about you as you keep me warm by continuing to prove me wrong i let too many things go, but this paradise will not...Read the rest...
Categories: paved, dedication, for her,
Form: Free verse
My Path Paved By Pedals
shrubby hills to right a world of ocean to left cranking pedals smooth my trail, can't hear anything, not even conscious. wind surfaces to the drum pedals push and push while the ocean rocks and rolls blue is my serenity, wind is my savior, pedals...Read the rest...
Categories: paved, devotion, inspirational, introspection,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Leaf-Paved Path
Toddlers played in dry sand Hot sun made each cheek red Ellen was their likable friend Long before winter came Enjoyed evenings with them Always refusing to rest Fireflies were a child's game Puppies chased them with haste Aunt Lily was...Read the rest...
Categories: paved, funny, nature, seasons,
Form: Acrostic

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