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Passerby Poems - Poems about Passerby

Passerby Poems - Examples of all types of poems about passerby to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for passerby.

A Passerby By The Cove
Dig, dig, dig, What a catchy phrase, It is a phase, When I gave time to pace, I untie my lace, Set time to race, I cut to the chase, To let my body move, The sand I shove, Grain by grain of quartz, As...Read the rest...
Categories: passerby, 12th grade, age, angel,
Form: Kyrielle
Premium Member The Passerby 2
Did you see? You...Read the rest...
Categories: passerby, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member The Passerby
The wind rustles leaves against his dirty ankles. His focus is three feet to the front at the ground. Oversize clothes hang from his frame. A patina of ground...Read the rest...
Categories: passerby, 10th grade, 9th grade,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

I am a passerby these things are facts of Life no lie But as I pass I still wonder why positive and negative thoughts cloud my mind without lies We are all wonderers a thought that comes with smiles The...Read the rest...
Categories: passerby, 12th grade, 9th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Passerby Pass me by Speak with smiles, show pity through eyes What need have I of pointless emotion What need have I of sun and ocean Here I stay motionless, still The earth as my lair, silence as my kin Feel no...Read the rest...
Categories: passerby, dance, death,
Form: Prose Poetry

Seems so calm Beside the rip rap of road Old roaring river...Read the rest...
Categories: passerby, nature, river,
Form: Haiku
If I travel to the seven wonders of the world, I can see them but they are not mine to keep. Enjoy each moment as it passes. Be a Passerby. If all my joy is...Read the rest...
Categories: passerby, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
True Love Passerby Haiku
true love passerby joins his partner in pure fun leaving stress behind...Read the rest...
Categories: passerby, poetry,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member The Passerby
God blinked Once, And Man appeared, God blinked Again And Man was gone, Leaving No trace behind! © Demetrios Trifiatis 04 March 2013...Read the rest...
Categories: passerby, life, philosophy,
Form: Epigram

Book: Reflection on the Important Things