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Particled Poems - Poems about Particled

Particled Poems - Examples of all types of poems about particled to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for particled.

...NATURE OF HEART Dual curved carved crystalline earth pointed plasmic Oneness quantum wave particled allows Heart to heave Heal with white light eagles on Tibetan height n......Read the rest...
Categories: particled, 12th grade, allegory, deep,
Form: Free verse
Worlds Within Worlds
...The shag splinters the skin beneath the arch of nothing there Fibers so tiny drenched in the ink written out in despair The smell of stains way beneath never escapes the vine ......Read the rest...
Categories: particled, humanity, perspective,
Form: Couplet

Poison Poppies
...Power plant particled poison People breathing pints per person Pending paramedic pursuit Pushing......Read the rest...
Categories: particled, power, word play,
Form: Alliteration

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Diseased Breath
...Diseased Breath A dust particled free first breath, feeling the sickness as it enters in. Inhaled disease born from death, The first son of all of our sins. Playing Russian Rou......Read the rest...
Categories: particled, dark, death, deep, judgement,
Form: Rhyme
...In this day and age, I want some recompense I don't understand it, it jus' don't make sense that we can write through our entire lives with all of these damn defective pens Now, you all know what I'......Read the rest...
Categories: particled, confusion, introspection, on writing
Form: Quatrain

...Hour glass of sand each particled event falling events promised to me.......Read the rest...
Categories: particled, inspirational,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Stone Gray
...I bled out from the mountain, My eyes from the fire, flowering Even now out through this mild window As I sit in my vapid flesh, Weakened and muscular, Awaiting Joy: The translucent skin, Th......Read the rest...
Categories: particled, love,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry