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Parietal Poems - Poems about Parietal

Parietal Poems - Examples of all types of poems about parietal to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for parietal.

Premium Member Churning Chyme Vogon Poetry
...If stars could see the sun~ slurping the grunglethorp grains from sweat-soaked streams, purging puddles of blurmorgris, you’d hear the phazephonyx symphony of my intestines churning chyme i......Read the rest...
Categories: parietal, absence, riddle,
Form: Vogon Poetry
Anatomy of Poetry
...Anatomy of human structure Poetry of nerves and impulses enrapture Temple of parietal bone that beats Carpal bone pleats Integumentary system perspires Nervous system inspires Circulatory syste......Read the rest...
Categories: parietal, funny,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Dangerous Minds
...riding rivulets down insane power of drain mist erupts, exclamation crashes the edge of humanity at the rainbow’s end the beauty screams: c’mon in pins and needles from the parietal lobe to ......Read the rest...
Categories: parietal, angst, beauty, water,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Four
...Like an allspice incensed quartet chorus, the spirit of the living Word unveils before us. Holy foundational page corners turn in cardinal winds as red letters churn, proclaiming the Gospel to ......Read the rest...
Categories: parietal, bible, creation, deep, earth,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member the ultimate VR -
... 01001101 01111001 01010110 01010010 yeah ... they hijacked my mind, man - hard-wired my neural synapses said I'd be famous ... (wealthy, certainly) With MY financial issues what choic......Read the rest...
Categories: parietal, computer, death, fantasy, science,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

...Five lobes of the brain have we evolved All doing different jobs but all intervolved. And all these lobes, just mm thick But still so unique and they do the trick. This layer, as thin as can be ......Read the rest...
Categories: parietal, science,
Form: Rhyme
...Mnemonic medulla oblonGata ceRebellum tEmporal lobe ......Read the rest...
Categories: parietal, cool,
Form: Acrostic
Joey Contemplates a Skeleton
...Joey Contemplating a Skeleton By Elton Camp The teacher told Joey to learn each bone by name And that there were only about 206 of the same The parietal, temporal and occipital are in the hea......Read the rest...
Categories: parietal, educationteacher, teacher,
Form: Rhyme
Childhood Treasures
...Entering the cave of a wide open mouth Pulling on the slippery uvula Reaching for the nasal cavity Taking a breath before leaping for the eye socket Where I view the world that plows the field o......Read the rest...
Categories: parietal, family, mothermother, mom, love,
Form: Free verse
...That which beats is a lie All that flows through is blood My foreign wounds are denied The hollow chamber a flood Both fill me with sustenance But emptying just the same This tiny organ bec......Read the rest...
Categories: parietal, angst, confusion, death, introspection,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry