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Pariah Poems - Poems about Pariah

Pariah Poems - Examples of all types of poems about pariah to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for pariah.

Premium Member Yesterday's Pariah
Yesterday’s pariah is today all the rage Have the times caught up with him ~ Has the world turned the page ...Read the rest...
Categories: pariah, change, world,
Form: Rhyme
Pariah heap - savagely subjecting myself to humiliation
Pariah heap - savagely subjecting myself to humiliation Outward slovenly appearance bespeaks volumes wordsworth their weight in gold (exhumed from the pith of these lovely bones - beclothed with mottled skin) presages afterlife of hellish horror (think Dante's inferno), nevertheless a respite from...Read the rest...
Categories: pariah, 12th grade, absence, age,
Form: Free verse

pardons for the beggar he knows not what he trades witness to the rapture a feather for a spade preaching him a savior what alms that would've made words to sate the hunger though wordlessly he prayed threnodies for martyrs indifferently played lulling into stupor those...Read the rest...
Categories: pariah, city,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Messiah Who Was a Pariah
might be messiah had become a pariah was called mariah...Read the rest...
Categories: pariah, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member A Pariah With Immaculate Taste
I wasn’t enough for your world, I was just supposed to lead you to it; Sitting in the corner emotionally curled; A sin the Universe was forced to commit this magic was finite and couldn’t last;...Read the rest...
Categories: pariah, emotions, feelings,
Form: Terza Rima

King Pariah
I am but an outcast member Misfortune led my reputation astray Fake people led me to nowhere So it's futile to prolong my days If only I were more rich in hope? I am a lion missing from its pride Predatory...Read the rest...
Categories: pariah, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member If Ever I Had a Country: Lxxx - Bang Bang Who Shot Me Down Like a Pariah Dog - Follow Up
IF EVER I HAD A COUNTRY: LXXX - Bang! Bang! Who Shot Me Down like an Un-licensed Pariah Dog ! Follow Up ! IF ever I had a country, a country without a dim shadow...Read the rest...
Categories: pariah, america, environment, humor, planet,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
A Voice Is Heard 2
A message - doom for people uninsured, the ancient mentor, Jeremiah spoke. For forty years he forcefully endured rejection every day, pariah's yoke. The weeping prophet cried to heedless folk. While God's own nation full of doubt and fears had...Read the rest...
Categories: pariah, 11th grade, bible, destiny,
Form: Quintain (English)
Premium Member I Am a Pariah
In my dreams I am a pariah Drifting endlessly Battle after battle Do you know me? I hide Afraid to live Unable to love Desolate Do I know me? Rip my wings Bound to the ground Suck my voice From my lungs Does God know me? Faithless Forgotten and forsaken I don't...Read the rest...
Categories: pariah, how i feel, introspection,
Form: Free verse
While i peel the banana off the peel, I see the world in motion, In hastiness, in deceit, In gaudiness, in retreat. While i eat the apple seeds I see you Senor, Clasp an unknown woman's hand While your wife waves,...Read the rest...
Categories: pariah, life,
Form: Rhyme
The Pariah S
Quietly, she sits in the corner looking in reflecting on how it all went down Perplexed by her identity, her mind, her muse- her soul purpose in this wasted...Read the rest...
Categories: pariah, wisdom, writing,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Outcast amidst the favored few walk in shadows, still in view downcast in face, cast down in place abysmal human's lost his race Denied to sup the once shared milk, no care nor kindness for his ilk emptied fullness, fully...Read the rest...
Categories: pariah, metaphor,
Form: Couplet
Unassuming Pariah
Want of a princess but not of me South of ill-proclaimed royalty A prince in nature, heart, and mind Blue glass learned between the lines Glides to the stables cape awhirl Who knows he’s meant to be my world All for...Read the rest...
Categories: pariah, love,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things