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Ozarks Poems - Poems about Ozarks

It May Not Be True
Everybody keeps asking me, “Hey Jerry.” Are all the things you write about really true. ‘Cause they find it pretty hard to believe, I’ve done all of the things I say I do. If I really did all...Read the rest...
Categories: ozarks, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
My Valley
My Valley Tucked away in the north-central part of the state, about ten miles or so from where the clear and slow-moving water of the Grand River mixes with the quickly rolling mud of the Missouri...Read the rest...
Categories: ozarks, poetry,
Form: Haibun

The Mountains of Arkansas
The sun raises up over the ridge The sky shines a multitude of colors Pink with a tinge of purple That only lasts for a few precious moments Some mornings the clouds Come down from the sky...Read the rest...
Categories: ozarks, animal, beautiful, mountains, nature,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Canoeing On the Current River
Our riverbank launch at dawn where dense forest chills the breeze, where cottonwood leaves flutter like wings, and weeping willow penumbras tease. Glistening, rippling turquoise water churns. Crystal swirling pools symphonic and aglow, elliptic aluminum crafts coast over craggy stones, riverbed...Read the rest...
Categories: ozarks, allegory, dream, extended metaphor,
Form: Pastoral
Premium Member Come To Arkansas When You Can
Caves and lakes, pine trees, apple orchards. Festivals to honor summer, spring, and fall. Arkansas has the hillbilly music I grew up on. Blue grass too. Grab a fiddle and join us! The roads are winding and hilly...Read the rest...
Categories: ozarks, adventure, america, travel, usa,
Form: Blank verse

Premium Member Ode To the Ozarks
Growing up in the Ozarks, for brother, sister and me meant, for the most part, that we were totally free. We had freedom to explore, to roam about at will, there was no one to fear in those...Read the rest...
Categories: ozarks, childhood, nostalgia,
Form: Couplet
Life In the Ozarks Via Jewell Partee
I love these Ozark hills, that lie amidst the rocks and hills. The sunshine and rain, and harves of grain and the call of the whipporwill, The beautiful trees that sway with the breeze, The neighbors are friendly and kind; There's...Read the rest...
Categories: ozarks, life, beautiful, beautiful,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry