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Oxbow Poems - Poems about Oxbow

Oxbow Poems - Examples of all types of poems about oxbow to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for oxbow.

Richard Mcgeehan Poem
...Richard Mcgeehan Poem Poetic license I employ to match inventive wisdom and witticism regarding (brother in law of mine husband of eldest sister of same) interspersing, initiating, incorpora......Read the rest...
Categories: oxbow, adventure, age, anniversary, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
Chief Garbage Taster As Fifth Grade Halloween Gag
...Chief garbage taster as fifth grade Halloween gag at Henry Kline Boyer Elementary School interestingly enough landed me a grubhub grab bag. I rooted thru poetry anthology of mine, and came acro......Read the rest...
Categories: oxbow, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Hitchiker From Another World
...1 Sunday, an overarching day both raw edge conduit and coarse grain shelter for that soul in torment, it’s when psyches plagued by doubt face those sudden twists and turns we call bizarre, th......Read the rest...
Categories: oxbow, art, change, character, city,
Form: Narrative

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Colloquialism Fun
...Up here in Canada we have our own words Everywhere does, some think ours are absurd Between toques, hosers and rhyming currency Like loonies and toonies, we do speak uniquely But narrow it down t......Read the rest...
Categories: oxbow, humor, nostalgia,
Form: Couplet
Chief Garbage Taster As Fifth Grade Halloween Gag Henry Kline Boyer Elementary School As a Halloween costume, one year during early grade school, my father got the brilliant idea for his sole son to be dressed with one of a kind getup.......Read the rest...
Categories: oxbow, 5th grade, adventure, autumn,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member A Beautiful Place
...Earth is such a beautiful place, a blue marble spinning in space. It boasts stretches of ice and snow, jungles, forests, mountains, grasslands, oxbow rivers and burning sands. Along with......Read the rest...
Categories: oxbow, 9th grade, earth, humanity,
Form: Verse
Chief Egalitarian Garbage Taster Ie White Trash
...Chief egalitarian garbage taster i.e. “white trash” As Halloween costume, one year during early grade school, my father got brilliant idea for sole son dressed uniquely rubbish qua putrid......Read the rest...
Categories: oxbow, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Blessed Anonymity of Cyberspace
...Ordinarily, a discriminatory guardedness factors large what I air in close confidential quarters within therapist office bare ring pocked marked soul of this feigned cheer full contemplative, i......Read the rest...
Categories: oxbow, anti bullying, community, life,
Form: Free verse
Time To Shower When Pervasive Odor of Ureic Acid
...Time To Shower...When Pervasive Odor Of Ureic Acid Doth strongly waft, sting, and nauseate about me olfactory nose flying zone bombarding cilia of nasal passageway analogous to displeasure wr......Read the rest...
Categories: oxbow, appreciation, dad, father, health,
Form: Prose Poetry
Farrago Go Again With My Gallimaufry
...A nascent hodgepodge of gobbledygook from me, or alternatively yours nada soo true lee, this incipient harm less bumbling in das scribe hubble wordy monster prithee lee, no......Read the rest...
Categories: oxbow, 10th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Lyric
Donny Brook Doth Runnel Along
...Generating a ring of bright waters, which currently meanders, ponders, and then streams - twitch ching reflexively as flora and fauna lap rich text chard liquid timelessly ......Read the rest...
Categories: oxbow, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
A Bend In the River
...The serpentine and ageless liquid mercurial possessed snake eternally swallowed since the beginning of time one unquenchable thirst to gorge and slake slurping up an icy cold mountaino......Read the rest...
Categories: oxbow, appreciation, beauty, creation, inspirational,
Form: Free verse
Home Calling
...HOME CALLING I rose from the soil and water of Barak valley and like a white bellied heron , reached the sky above the bamboo brakes and the blue hills to live in an alien land for trivial ne......Read the rest...
Categories: oxbow, river,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry