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Owling Poems - Poems about Owling

Owling Poems - Examples of all types of poems about owling to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for owling.

Just Like the Chestnut Horses
...Into the mellow I fall gently gliding into green pastures owling eyes watching behind birch, the sound of breaking pine wild horses flying past the wind, a country of blushing skies Th......Read the rest...
Categories: owling, appreciation, silence,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Cynthia's Desperate Cry
...Not all the soldiers have returned home, even the owling wind has a reason to weep; Cynthia's legs start to shake, she had little sleep, her dark hair is flapping, pain chills to the bone, And ......Read the rest...
Categories: owling, courage, death, father, grief,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme

Endorsing Lovely Day
...E-arly D-awn I-solates T-he H-owling W-ind A-s K-ind E-nvironment's F-ineness I-s E-ndorsing L-ovely D-ay Topic: Birthday of Edith Wakefield (January 05) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: owling, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

One Vile Wind Waves Goodbye
...L-et Sunday weather warm Y-our heart and your mind; N-ew dawn has broken, twilight is left behind. B-eacon March nineteenth A-ims to bathe your soul; R-aindrops from above B-egin not to......Read the rest...
Categories: owling, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Greet the New Day
...G-reet the new day, E-arly in the morning, R-eceive the Almighty's blessing. I-t's now time to wake up, C-oal clouds above fade into gray; H-owling wind and rain stop, E-ve goes away. T......Read the rest...
Categories: owling, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Let Me Start a Joke
...A-fter twelve midnight, Y-our birthday has come; A-s the new year dawns, H-owling wind turns calm. C-oal clouds first January A-re changing into white; R-ed rays above Sunday B-egin to ......Read the rest...
Categories: owling, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Early Rise of the Sun
...R-ise of the sun early I-n thirty-first December C-omforts your heart and mind, H-owling wind and chill are over. E-vening shadows disappear, Friday night passes by; L-et Saturday come out,......Read the rest...
Categories: owling, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Early Morning Glory
...E-arly morning glory T-hrills you after the night; H-owling wind is gone, E-ventide turns into L-ight. A-n early morning glory N-ever brings a cold chill; G-reat dawn has broken, U-nder......Read the rest...
Categories: owling, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Heaven Is For the Faithful
...L-ong and lonely evening H-as turned into sunrise; E-arly dawn has broken, N-ight shadows pass from eyes. I-nclement clime turns fine, R-ain stops from falling; I-n the open lanes above, ......Read the rest...
Categories: owling, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
As You Leave Loneliness Behind
...M-arch nineteenth is fine, A-fter the storm is over; R-ainy night has already left, H-owling wind turns better. V-ile weather has just turned I-nto a warm sunny day; E-vening shadows disapp......Read the rest...
Categories: owling, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Speak Not Loud But Silent
...H-aze and evening shadows A-re nowhere to be found; N-ight chill has been over; N-ew dawn shines on the ground. A-fter the cold rain stops falling, rested sun starts to rise; H-owling wind ha......Read the rest...
Categories: owling, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
The Owl
...Oh it's midnight again, i better turn off my light, i better try to sleep tonight, and for once stop being the owl. if i had the world to me, i shall keep alive the nights, while the days i ......Read the rest...
Categories: owling, deep, night, sleep, today,
Form: ABC

Book: Reflection on the Important Things