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Owes Poems - Poems about Owes

dont resent too much
...Friend, do not ressasse your dark ideas, Death will come Whatever you do, Everyone owes it, Don’t resent Your appointments At the doctor’s, He doesn’t even think about it, Under the palm t......Read the rest...
Categories: owes, age, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Song of our soul
...Invoking bliss magnetism, let heart sing, aware at all times of this simple fact: the idea or thought is not the thing, of the fruit we taste and deeds we enact. We are merely one of the many for......Read the rest...
Categories: owes, spiritual,
Form: Crown of Sonnets

Premium Member Thought of the day
...agape love’s effused as the scent from a rose ~ each disdain emote debt of love our soul owes......Read the rest...
Categories: owes, love, spiritual,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Where the Ocean Meets the Mountain
...You, Mariana—deepest trench of my knowing I call you by name not to possess it but because it is the only prayer I have ever known how to say You are the sea—each wave not an argume......Read the rest...
Categories: owes, assonance, love, metaphor, mountains,
Form: Lyric
What the Tide Owes
...When you were little, we wandered the sunlit shore— your laughter a bright echo mingling with the rush of waves. I watched as the sea snatched your red ball, a tiny planet swallowed by surging t......Read the rest...
Categories: owes, death, grief,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Merry Christmas!
...The world sings Your praise Says You were born in a stable To where a bright star showed the way To wanderers of the desert They sing carols and make new ones Year after year every Christmas ......Read the rest...
Categories: owes, christmas,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Kings Of Backgammon
...The kings of backgammon, descendants of Bulgarian kings and Austro-Hungarian princes Russian counts and countesses, Czech barons Your ancestors have seen better days. They accepted their fate as ......Read the rest...
Categories: owes, blessing, lonely, sad,
Form: Free verse
Blush of the Blossoms
...I cherished time walking through Cherry Blossoms, And when it is to turn pink, it’s mind-blowing. It’s like a pink rug situated on both sides in Kyoto, Experiencing the Promised Land while having ......Read the rest...
Categories: owes, 10th grade, adventure, beauty,
Form: Narrative
Catty Natured
...You know how a cat is? The way it awakes, how its eyes open, for a moment not seeing anything, how it blinks slowly eyelids washing a mind of anything but satisfaction. Legs stiffen, stretchi......Read the rest...
Categories: owes, poetry,
Form: Free verse
The fine art of making excuses
...The fine art of making excuses which achievement, deportment, endorsement, and indictment (more serious than rigging an election) jump/kickstarts (a divine comedy of errors) not reason enough ......Read the rest...
Categories: owes, animal, appreciation, autumn, business,
Form: Free verse
Outsiders path
...It no longer beckons as it did before, Now it waits, just beyond the door, Whispering softly, tempting the heart, To accept again and play the part. To embrace the pain, forget the cost, Of su......Read the rest...
Categories: owes, conflict, deep, forgiveness, growth,
Form: Rhyme
The community u live in needs healing
...The Community I live in needs to heal The community I live in gang stalk me and dismiss me The community I live in betrayed me th The community I live in watch me suffered while they laughed at m......Read the rest...
Categories: owes, betrayal,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Entitled to you
... Criminals feel they deserve whatever they desire Morality isn’t relevant, its ruthlessness that they admire Society owes them, it robbed their rightful portion Criminologists describe this......Read the rest...
Categories: owes, anti bullying, freedom,
Form: Lyric
The World and the fox
...Your eyes have grown cold hunting for the fox and heel bare feet you showier the day Now you have a womans shape and you can change the colour of the sky The World owes you nothing Howler if yo......Read the rest...
Categories: owes, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member underheld
...A shadow crossed the room in the corner of my awareness A cloud outside somewhere, probably, but for an instant, I thought that motion was you. Thoughts of you are casually intrusive. Mayb......Read the rest...
Categories: owes, boyfriend, humor, romance, travel,
Form: Free verse

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