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Ord Poems - Poems about Ord

The Big Sky Part Two
...It didn't take long every manager there tried signing both men. Looking out for there interest, calling making arrangements. Both men were advised of what they were getting involved With. Th......Read the rest...
Categories: ord, cool, culture, dance, environment,
Form: Bio
Joke and Prayer - In Reverse Order
...I Lord, without You, what is time? Over and over, Seconds may drag like days Revealing relativity, time is not a thing Deliver me from vanity, "All is vanity," wrot......Read the rest...
Categories: ord, beautiful, creation, growth, humor,
Form: Acrostic

Plea of David
...David was an artist - before you and me A Jewish psalmist - famous for Ps. 23 Various prayers had been sung, by Moses In particular, psalm 90: before Time itself D<......Read the rest...
Categories: ord, 12th grade, bible, devotion,
Form: Acrostic
...Name of Crime Under Section 1.Murder 302 2.Death by negligence,303/304/308/312/319/321/322 3.Attempt to Murder / Suicide,324/325 4.Thug / Exposure of Child / Concealment of......Read the rest...
Categories: ord, books, education, graduate, graduation,
Form: List
Premium Member Lord God of My Life
...Lord of my life is God*, granting me genuine liberty Endowing me blessings to share and give earnestly Imparting to me divine nature of spiritual impact <......Read the rest...
Categories: ord, birthday, blessing, christian, faith,
Form: Acrostic

Premium Member All the Hearts of Man Belong To God
...ALL THE HEARTS OF MAN BELONG TO GOD All the hearts of man Belong to God and Cicrumspects Doing ones best Evolving nothing less For in His will, God’s......Read the rest...
Categories: ord, analogy, faith, inspirational, love,
Form: ABC
Premium Member King of My Life Is God
...King of my life is God my Saviour*, graciously kind Imparting to me divine nature of spiritual impact Making me His child to enjoy His mercy and might ......Read the rest...
Categories: ord, appreciation, birthday, blessing, cheer
Form: Acrostic
Probing the Question
...You ask a probing question - why am I me? I write these words and lines to help you see the who, what and how of my probity. Offering my most genial reply, the abc's here prove to specify why,......Read the rest...
Categories: ord, 11th grade, god,
Form: Sonnet
The Game of Thrones2
...O The Pestilence ripens in the fields as pest harvests the shops and till Harvesting of diminished yields To !REAL CONSPIRACY! Sovereignty-PIRACY, tips the scales of justice, feilty, unity, i......Read the rest...
Categories: ord, abuse, anger,
Form: Rhyme
The Game of Thrones
...O Self Righteous Mew Martyred Lost unto Dragons breath, and roasted lots amongst the spit and gradually heated pots crows, counted among the cost, counting zeros, onesies and Aftermath of As......Read the rest...
Categories: ord, abuse, anger,
Form: Rhyme
Sensible Sentence of Joyful Expression
...J-oyful E-xpression's S-ensible S-entence A-pplies S-criptures A-s L-ord G-od A-uthors D-ivine O-rder Topic: Birthday of Jessa Salgado (January 07) Form: Vertical Monocr......Read the rest...
Categories: ord, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Remaining Active
...R-emaining A-ctive N-icely D-evotes O-ne's L-ife P-raising H-oly L-ord I-n N-oble G-oal A-s O-verflowing L-ove I-s N-otably G-iven A-nd O-ffered Topic: Birthday of Randolph ......Read the rest...
Categories: ord, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member My God Matters Most To Me
...BIRTHDAY POEM DEDICATED TO MAM MISHAEL My God to me matters most Illumining my mind; my heart inspiring Securing me with His salvation s...Read the rest...
Categories: ord, birthday, blessing, christian, faith,
Form: Acrostic
Submissive Thinking
...J-ust O-bey E-agerly L-ord C-reator U-sing S-ubmissive T-hinking O-f D-evoted I-ndividual O-ftentimes Topic: Birthday of Joel Custodio (February 14) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: ord, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Strong Warrior
...N-ation's strong warrior O-bliterates the vicious lies; E-xposing the devil's tricks, L-ight is seen by our eyes. V-ictorious fight is on, A-gainst the faith's detractor; L-ord Almighty's......Read the rest...
Categories: ord, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

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