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Omen Poems - Poems about Omen

Omen Poems - Examples of all types of poems about omen to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for omen.
Leave That Omen Behind
When you’ve had every chance and all resource in hand. When you’ve been in good graces and known where you stand. When you had God in Heaven reach down just to line it all up, and you...Read the rest...
Categories: omen, endurance,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Omen
When wavelets curl along the pier To cast a light in shades of teal, I then recall a summer bold Which wrote about our truth, our dare And young we were ...a bliss reviewed The wildest lips moist as...Read the rest...
Categories: omen, memory, teen love,
Form: Blank verse

Premium Member Augury
“There’s a special providence in the fall of a sparrow.” Shakespeare in Hamlet ************************************************************** ...Read the rest...
Categories: omen, natural disasters, nature, sky,
Form: Rhyme
Custer's Omen
Wolverine shadows in the Michigan mist Blood trail encampment on yesterday’s tryst Teeth at the ready fortune can’t hide Death for a tribute — when vengeance abides (Dreamsleep: October, 2024) ...Read the rest...
Categories: omen, death, fate,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member HALLOWEEN
Hallow’s Eve, when spirits return And on Styx’s shores, a darkness churns Lost souls vanish to the veil Lamenting cries rise up from Hell Omen hangs high in Stygian sky Where witches watch with a wicked eye Eldritch winds whisper...Read the rest...
Categories: omen, autumn, dark, gothic, halloween,
Form: Acrostic

Premium Member The Omen Road
I rode my bike down Omen Road, Knew they'd be after me, I'd reap what I sowed. Crossed into Jersey, saw a dead bird ahead— I prefer voices, I get symbols instead In...Read the rest...
Categories: omen, anxiety, bullying, evil,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member omen of the red headed owl
an owl stared at Maya from a fence post she knew it was a sign from the great father no ordinary fowl, this one had a red head there would be a death before the end of day according...Read the rest...
Categories: omen, animal,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Fire And Brimstone Preacher
a cool spring Midwestern morning the preacher started his sermon a guest preacher known for fire and brimstone the little country church was filled censuring the flock about their sins claiming to be sin free himself he said he was perfect...Read the rest...
Categories: omen, christian, judgement, mystery,
Form: Narrative
A Keyboard Omen
Modern world with modern modems, AI, Wi-Fi, modern day totems, keyboard nostalgia, a typewriter App, mind that modern knowledge gap, discord, discourse, modern day omens. ...Read the rest...
Categories: omen, 10th grade, future, nostalgia,
Form: Rhyme
Omen There are ways To put up with things, And there are ways To give up... But NOTHING is more POWERFUL Than (A) MAN GONE MAD! -Gray Squirrel 01/16/2024...Read the rest...
Categories: omen, life,
Form: Free verse
Oath of the unseen one Order of time and place Only a piercing ray Of hope, truth and downfall Ordeal of the dark Often a warning sign Out from what is beyond September 11, 2023....Read the rest...
Categories: omen, poetry,
Form: Pleiades
Hell and skull are twins ...Read the rest...
Categories: omen, 9th grade,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Omen
"Omen" The throat holds untold secrets like a chamber holds bullets a silent question mark wrapped around the speaking, changing gears full throttle far reaching like a noose over sunbeams the ropes for net cast morsel charms upstroke downstroke Ariel beckons the purpose...Read the rest...
Categories: omen, muse, mystery,
Form: Narrative
Mocking Birds Omen of Doom
Sam Adams A lonely old man Was walking in the hills Near his house, Encountering mocking birds, Mocking him, chasing him. He ran down the path fleeing, Hearing omens of his pending doom...Read the rest...
Categories: omen, animal, death, evil, fate,
Form: Free verse
Omen By Michelle Morris 14/09/2022 You appeared as an omen Alone and way up high Bringing the portent of his death You knew it was his time Your shadowy figure stood outlined Against the full moon sky I could feel the message From Heaven that...Read the rest...
Categories: omen, bereavement, courage, death, death
Form: Rhyme

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