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Officials Poems - Poems about Officials

Officials Poems - Examples of all types of poems about officials to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for officials.

Decision of French Officials To Chase Out Some African Students
As  diplomatic relations between France and some African countries went wrong. Some nigerien soldiers chased french Ambassador out of his office while many people were waiting outside to humiliate him. When he came out protected ...Read the rest...
Categories: officials, 12th grade, africa, french,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member General Failures In Australia
Nonsense feeders, just useless Impeders, slow and lazy in a walk To cake, sluggish decievers wasting Space; even though theres plenty of It they still waste it we're sure of it Coulden't they be in canary yellow? So all could...Read the rest...
Categories: officials, absence, abuse, character, courage,
Form: Verse

Intelligence Officials
Underworld Don has the Power to jam cell signals and block Internet to disconnect a person from the rest of the world.This blockage can continue from one hour to seven days.When they have to kidnap...Read the rest...
Categories: officials, books, power, science, science
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Invested, unrested, the minutes appear shorter everyday Infected, unprotected not liking the games they play Rated, unmotivated everyone seems to know their part Hated, unrelated figured it all out from the start Addicted,...Read the rest...
Categories: officials, addiction, america, anger, corruption,
Form: Couplet
Elected Officials
People whom your votes produce And four or five succeeding years reduce: Not like wage earners their bosses might sack; Their tenures run out and they show us their back… At the outset, magical initiatives that wouldn’t confuse, At the...Read the rest...
Categories: officials, change, future, political,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member The Bloody Coup
We know that it was an inside job, that President Trump incited the mob. Why was home land security sent away to a place of obscurity? Where was the FBI who warned that some thing...Read the rest...
Categories: officials, 2nd grade,
Form: Political Verse
Pock Marked Officials
Post mark officials bleed into me Redundant spell of auction burning The microillusion out the back of skull Near emerald waters with midnight pearl Shining their mystery in the morning Bereft of goals, spinning seagulls Rewind ripples out of origin To be...Read the rest...
Categories: officials, natural disasters, on work
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things