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Offence Poems - Poems about Offence

Offence Poems - Examples of all types of poems about offence to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for offence.

The Old Bill
Bill Shakespeare is wanted for hate speech, His study’s surrounded with tape. The local police were slow to react, He may already have made his escape. There’s a chance that he’s gone into hiding To work on the draft of...Read the rest...
Categories: offence, absence, angst, anxiety, celebrity,
Form: Rhyme
Guess Who's Back, Offence and Pain Aint Two of the Same
Who'd have thought words make them react like this, failing to see my wit, just the unattractiveness. An eye for crudeness that'll overpower the humorous. I'm sure within their brain a tumour lives. Has your face ever felt the...Read the rest...
Categories: offence, slam, words,
Form: Rhyme

Where Disagreement Is An Offence
No wise man is recognized in a market place Here bought and sold only universal follies Uniqueness is disregarded and an offence is taken When you talk about things with different attitude Disagreement is...Read the rest...
Categories: offence, culture, wisdom, words,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Not Wishing To Cause Offence Offence
Not wishing to cause offence offence when somone calls me 'friend' but are not really one not bothering to ask others or me my name, only their mishappen mission counts. Should I give stentorian rebuke...Read the rest...
Categories: offence, philosophy, prejudice, , western,
Form: Free verse
Taking Offence
People are so easily offended today This is quite ironic really As due to political correctness We are censored so heavily And with all the sanitising There is so little opportunity But those who do take offence Fall into three distinct categories Firstly,...Read the rest...
Categories: offence, politicalmay,
Form: I do not know?

No Offence
I Sidney C Hall Have decided to stop writing The funnies and offending you all There will be no chicken eyed stare Or talks of underwear No farts, Butts Or mention of tarts My comments will be just Not talk of...Read the rest...
Categories: offence, friendship, sad
Form: Rhyme
Writing Offence
Categories: offence, education, funny, inspirational,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry