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Oaf Poems - Poems about Oaf

Premium Member meeting the new guy
...Ed is a beast, a bruiser, a big baboon We expected a lumbering oaf, a goon Her description had much jocundity He was quite lovely, as we would soon see Why did you set us up thinking he was a clo......Read the rest...
Categories: oaf, men,
Form: Rhyme
...Moss On Sundays I make myself familiar with the moss on the oaf of rocks adjacent to the driveway on the west side of the house. They’re always keen to know if I prefer the last le......Read the rest...
Categories: oaf, humor,
Form: Free verse

Number forty seven White House occupant against all odds
...Number forty seven - White House occupant against all odds... regarding President elect Donald John Trump. As a cruel joke to self, I imagined myself as a Republican for that one glorious d......Read the rest...
Categories: oaf, abuse, america, anger, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Refurbished Nursery Rhymes: In the Case of Tommy Tucker
...Why did little Tommy Tucker Have to sing for his supper? Did he stammer and stutter To merit just bread and butter? And what miscreant oaf Would then give him a loaf But nary a knife to cut thr......Read the rest...
Categories: oaf, humor,
Form: Light Verse
For some enchanted evenings
...For some enchanted evenings... The following scenario imagined after the hoopla of Democratic National Convention miracle workers Kamala Harris and Tim Walz trumpeted politically wholesome zea......Read the rest...
Categories: oaf, america, angst, anti bullying,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member cat o' 9 tales
... “cat o' 9 tales” Like a cat has 9 lives every witch in every Lilith lives to write another day woe bedtide the poor oaf who gets in Her way like Heathcliffe he’ll b......Read the rest...
Categories: oaf, dark, muse,
Form: Free verse
A fanta see overrides reality
...A fanta see overrides reality! Hello? I like to get positioned for sixty nine. Are you looking for a scheming, schlepping, and schvitzing writer? natural body and laid-back vibe?? I'm al......Read the rest...
Categories: oaf, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Blech impossible mission to savor mug of ginger tea
...Blech - impossible mission to savor mug of ginger tea... When the entire mug awash with floating leavings by golly by gosh, sipping said herbal brew analogous challenge to eat spaghetti squas......Read the rest...
Categories: oaf, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Get out of my head mister chatterbox
...Get out of my head mister chatterbox! Ransacking treasure trove of maximum headroom. To remedy a fate worse than death or orange hair oaf becoming forty seventh president or contracting o......Read the rest...
Categories: oaf, abuse, anger, bullying, crazy,
Form: Free verse
Please Michelle Obama
...Please Michelle Obama... can you save American democracy? I highly hugely grant Barack Hussein belated kudos what with his wizardesses in tow wrought wonders to one nation analogous whil......Read the rest...
Categories: oaf, 12th grade, america, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
Come post presidential election 2024
...Come post presidential election 2024... heil to the Wharton chief firebrand - more worrisome than an ovarian cyst every race, religion, nationality, gender, creed, et cetera with impunity dis......Read the rest...
Categories: oaf, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Typos Included
...Been regarded as clumsy For most of my long life, An existence where accidents Seemed more than usually rife. The despair of the Drill Pig Who, refusing to accept defeat Finally instilled some ......Read the rest...
Categories: oaf, happiness, humor, life,
Form: Rhyme
The Monster Within
...DO NOT PROD THE SLEEPING BEHEMOTH For in his wake, all donned in hope Torn enraged to tattered shreds of cloth Matters not to the blood lusting oaf Crimson tinted visions Through obstreperous ......Read the rest...
Categories: oaf, anger, conflict, fear, hurt,
Form: Rhyme
Malevolent Maverick Mailer-Daemon
...Malevolent maverick mailer-daemon... wrought maximum monetary mayhem within mein kampf Incomprehensible inhumane inquisitorial imp incarnate injudiciously, ineffably, indescribably inflicted ......Read the rest...
Categories: oaf, abuse, america, analogy, anger,
Form: Rhyme
When Vitamin and Medication Bottles Became Plaything of the Missus
...When vitamin and medication bottles became plaything of the missus Mental health of yours truly heavily reliant upon one selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor named fluoxetine (Prozac) aside f......Read the rest...
Categories: oaf, adventure, anxiety, appreciation, bereavement,
Form: Free verse

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