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Nucleic Poems - Poems about Nucleic

Nucleic Poems - Examples of all types of poems about nucleic to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for nucleic.
What is Biochemistry?
...Biochemistry—the chemistry of life’s design, Where molecules dance, interlink, and align, A bridge between cells, atoms, and earth, Defining each process, from death to birth. From cells to tissu......Read the rest...
Categories: nucleic, literature, poems, poetry, science,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member The Malignant Ulcer
...I see this ulcer Mind boggling in perception Body arresting in phenomena Of diverse shapes and designs Magnificently wrought together In one whiff of putrid scent It is of an exotic nature Mag......Read the rest...
Categories: nucleic, integrity, leadership, metaphor, people,
Form: Didactic

Premium Member Domestic Travel
...To escape from further quarantine To escape from further boredom To escape from further Nucleic Acid Test People prefer domestic travel Instead of foreign travel People believe Less risk mor......Read the rest...
Categories: nucleic, god, life, people, sun,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Adventuress One
...Alas, those days are gone! So long Argentina! Deprived by vaccine law! Must do or be fool-dead! Viral fear so rapid, the gene-techs’ in fast rev Ending the long debate, big pharm governs man......Read the rest...
Categories: nucleic, angst,
Form: Alexandrine
Galactic Diary3
...Glossary: Robodore Planetoid : a settlement of aliens on a planetoid named Robodore; a portmanteau word for Robot and Adore; it means the ......Read the rest...
Categories: nucleic, 6th grade, angel, appreciation,
Form: Blank verse

Premium Member Spiritual Guides
...Spiritual guides, of all persuasions, all religions, all anti-religions, with robust economic forecasting contracts, and those without political capital, Encourage their deep listeners to av......Read the rest...
Categories: nucleic, celebration, destiny, health, history,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Whereas
...Savvy scientists scoff at the soul: Can't poke it, prod it, pinch it, probe it ~ and clearly can't claim to contemplate... an empirical, egg-headed, experimental all-enveloping ecstasy of eru......Read the rest...
Categories: nucleic, emotions, self, senses, sensual,
Form: Alliteration
The Insignificance of Man
...Blunt deadly weapons of mass destruction electrify, fracture, and jeopardize *****Sapiens species (and entire biosphere) continuity rent asunder doomsday declared (nuclear winter gallows humo......Read the rest...
Categories: nucleic, 10th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member Knowing Hate, Growing Health
...He who is contented is rich He who is determined has strength of will Laotse, "Knowing Oneself" Those who would be effective, and are also ripe for effectiveness when con......Read the rest...
Categories: nucleic, anger, culture, fear, hate,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Love Revolution
...The Revolution of Taoism Within the evolving cultural womb of human nature's prehistoric original intent Looked at, but cannot be seen-- EarthMother's creative heart-womb is called panentheis......Read the rest...
Categories: nucleic, analogy, beauty, birth, creation,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
As the Mountain Sniff the Thyme
...As the mountain sniff the thyme The valley the basil, The forests the trees and swamps. As the waves launched their rein and foam, And the chest of the sea open to his sensualism and obsc......Read the rest...
Categories: nucleic, feelings,
Form: Free verse
Daily Illuzions
...I wanna state a cardiac arrest for ya chest Detest your own humidity within humanity, cats rest in vanity Controlling underground charisma the mic got me checking Wrecking one image of fame at a t......Read the rest...
Categories: nucleic, imagination, philosophy, visionary, me,
Form: Personification
Two Plates of Mastedons
...How will eyes take these sights of our page into your head...brimming us into shape, Shapening us into a Perfect and Humble salient form, We gave time for much Travel,Leisure and more of our attend......Read the rest...
Categories: nucleic, adventure, time, visionary,
Form: Free verse
Dna Baby...
...Do Not Abuse that which life has gifted, determine? the soul determines! Mad scientist access denied geno bombs millions die nuclear weapons toxic gases, pesticides - now infantil......Read the rest...
Categories: nucleic, passion, world, prejudice,
Form: Lyric
Screed Against Sacrement
...Protean nucleic processes polemic yield explosive diversification punctuated equilibrium Stephen J. Gould Paleontological hypothesis spawning sudden flora and fauna competed agains......Read the rest...
Categories: nucleic, allegory, introspection, philosophy, ,
Form: Didactic

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry