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Noway Poems - Poems about Noway

Let me pick off the pick
...Next sound Miss tick Teaching you through like adu Eat the line Crawl up the vine Inside your water, no wine Code and color penal Cashing under the welfare Biggest duty push He haw hackers ......Read the rest...
Categories: noway, addiction, betrayal, celebrity, character,
Form: Rhyme
The After All This Time Band
...Side A Time’s Effect On Us (Noway & Back) Produced by I M Sorry Side B But You’re Still In My Dreams (Night & Tears) Produced by R U Leaving Recorded by Ann Other at Her Apartment ......Read the rest...
Categories: noway, break up, fun, humorous,
Form: Light Verse

The Road Noway
...The road Noway Leading to The country Unknown Misty way Magical Trees hollow With splattered Sparkle Don't know Where It takes No regrets But I take......Read the rest...
Categories: noway, blessing, dedication, deep, desire,
Form: Free verse
Oil Jackpot In Noway
...Oil jackpot When coming home from the ship, his coastal town was in an uproar from every window, people shouted and banged pot pans together People danced in the street, which was unheard of ......Read the rest...
Categories: noway, addiction, allusion, best friend,
Form: Burlesque
Premium Member Another Year
..."Years come and go so fast- from start to end yet, each that passes- is a dividend." _by Poet Another year has q......Read the rest...
Categories: noway, inspirational,
Form: Iambic Pentameter

Snoring Spouse Rocks Highland Manor
...(not really, but just wanted to get your attention.) Thus "NOT FAKE," but poetic quasi true anecdote infused fictionalized by this ole goat with prevarication to enliven of no note characte......Read the rest...
Categories: noway, assonance, environment, mom, mother,
Form: Free verse
...when that times comes, when the city of bones will open its gates to welcome us knowing the we have noway back I refuse to be forgotten for i will stick with my smile always telling generation......Read the rest...
Categories: noway, celebrity, memory, poetess, poets,
Form: Light Verse
Where In Tarnation Doth Spam Arise
...sam i yam not, nor will this 'lo bot go away cuz, every coordinate in cyber space allows, enables and provides an opportunity to bray, and thence get access to each ex......Read the rest...
Categories: noway, 10th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Light Verse
Can I Taste the Fruits of Paradise
...Earthly treasures drag me down Pleasures and short term comforts All my heart's desires feels like i cant stand a chance but my eyes are open wide and getting off the way is my choice Sittin......Read the rest...
Categories: noway, christian,
Form: Abecedarian
No More, No Less
...Noway, I will ask the poem, to become stressed out, like the street, beaten and used again and again. Where do you want to go for a rendezvous with? unknown, in dark, groping for the......Read the rest...
Categories: noway, art,
Form: ABC
Premium Member Queen of Hearts
...Conceived in manic sorrow, proclaiming herself left with self-righteous Hollowness, the less assertive Queen of Hearts: I'm good between either of these two black kings and those two black jac......Read the rest...
Categories: noway, faith, heart, life, love,
Form: Political Verse
Ther's a God
...some people say noway where's he well let it be see the tree itfrom heavenly see the rain thats gods thing allaround you he's apart THERE'S A GOD......Read the rest...
Categories: noway, addiction, blessing,
Form: Light Verse
Life a Risk
...won't dance take a chance you need romance mabe your fancy pants all these thing excist noway you can't miss LIFES A RISK......Read the rest...
Categories: noway, adventure, anger, change,
Form: Light Verse
No Guts No Glory
...Life seems-like an ever forbidden story {!!!} one day you're happy, the very next...{?} "You know the story". Why are we still feeling the wraft of an im- plicable story? "No Guts No G......Read the rest...
Categories: noway, black african american, confusion,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
My Birthday
...I have a wish It grows bigger everyday Will I tell her? Noway! But i want a two way for my birthday! Me, her and Lisa Just one night ......Read the rest...
Categories: noway, girlfriend-boyfriend,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

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